The Past Of The Blacksmith


"What with the long face? First time you're in the mountains? Trolls are only as strong as Rank 3, how come you can't handle a group?"

The woman was gorgeous. Long blonde hair, tanned brown skin, beautifully smooth like chocolate. White tattoos depicting runes all over her muscular body, barely wearing any clothes but some leather wrapped around her chest and around her hips.

Her only weapon? A big club she made out of the hardest stone she could find. She simply swung that down and took those behemoths in mere seconds, daring to look back at the trembling blue skinned giant behind her.

"Hey, can't you talk?"

Rakasha wasn't being timid there or anything… he simply was stunned. Her beauty and her charisma, the way she slain those foes, it captivated him. Since that moment that… through his entire life dedicated to his profession, he fell in love.

"I'm going to leave you here if you don't stand up…"