Visiting The Ocean Of Time


After I put on the ring and immediately felt my physical strength raise by a bit, I checked on everyone else. Benladann got some new gauntlets which she can use simultaneously with her battle axe so she was happy, alongside a divinity elixir that gave her a Poison Divinity, apparently.

Miranda got herself a giant sword carrying the power of the ferocious gorilla, and a Fortune Potion, which enhanced her Fortune by a few grades upon drinking it. Lastly, Benladra got herself the same ring as I did and a divinity strengthening potion, and Kate got a bracelet with similar effects as the ring, and a potion that gave her a Steel Divinity.

This Dungeon Diving was really powering up everyone. Maybe I should had brought more people here so they could get new powers as well? Nah… but I wanted to bring the family. If the dungeon ever keeps up, I guess I can bring them later.