The Sacrifice Of The Primordial Fire Dragon Mother


"Long ago, when the world was still young, as the Eight Realms melded together after the fight between the Gods and our mother and father, Tiamat and Ymir perished and melded with the world to restore it and save it from destruction, we enjoyed a few thousands of years of peace… Only for that."

"Due to this world being formed by the melding of eight other realms, there was an enormous quantity of power that couldn't be properly contained, the world went loose. Mana and divine power clustered all around the world, mixing and then corrupting itself… Which brought birth to Miasma."

"Miasma…?" Surtr was already explained the eight realms and the battle between the gods, which he didn't really questioned as much, as it sounded a lot like Norse Mythology from Earth. His ability to accept and think things methodically surprised his mother and siblings.