The Many Mysteries Of The Aquarius Archipelago


"It confirms it?" Yuki asked. "Just read it already…"

"Yuki don't be so pushy." Benladann reprimanded her.

"No, its fine. I'll read it. However, I was just a bit surprised… I didn't thought some random ruins in the swamps would reveal this so easily. It seems that in the past there was some religion revolving around the Ocean God, and the Deep One. They are both praised as different beings, although it seems they're the same… Nonetheless, here's the text."

I quickly began reading what I could understand.

"In Ancient Times… Deep One… Defeated. His Power… Vast. He, the one that defeated him… Could not kill him. Sealing his soul… possible. Four Fragments… were distributed. Stigmas. Carries of… the cursed fragments? Responsibility… Hold the… seal? I think it says that. It is hard to read, even though I somehow understand it, I am not good at reading this."

"Is this for real? Who could had defeated this overpowered guy?" Wondered Yuki.