The Amazing Power Of Kate's {Soul Hacking}!



The deadly presence of the Deep One within the depths of the city of Aquarius felt deeply pained, as he felt one of his Soul Fragments, one of the four parts of his original powers which were sealed within Stigmas was completely taken over by a force he had never seen before.

"T-This power…?! It has completely eliminated my own Will from my Soul Fragment?! It has no longer any memories, any fragment of a personality behind!" The Deep One said furiously. "I… It has been taken away from me!"

The Deep One roared in fury, shaking the entire castle atop the area where he was sealed. The Queen of the Queendom sensed his rage as she felt his oracles within the Blue Orb Fragment.

"Oh, my Lord! What is it?! What is happening?!"

She began asking for an answer to his anger and frustration, until he finally decided to answer.