Confronting The Evil Queen


"Hurry! Faster, you useless bag of flesh!"

The Deep One whispered angrily at the ears of the Queen Anastasia, the current Queen of the Aquarius Queendom as she held in her hands the darkened Fragment of the Blue Orb she had barely managed to save from the entire destruction happening inside the castle.

She was given the task to bring this fragment to the depths of the island, the giant hole where the Deep One had been sealed within. Due to his unsealing ceremony being disrupted, a part of his body ended managing to get out, but was weakened, this was the piece Drake and Benladann and Miranda were fighting.

Meanwhile, the other part was still sealed within the depths. As long as he could obtain a second fragment of the Blue Orb, he would attain enough power to break through this seal and unseal his other half, this other half which also holding the Blue Orb Fragment he possessed.