Chasing The Deep One


(Drake's POV)

I had half-expected this to happen. Despite everyone's efforts, at the end this bastard's other half ended getting out of his cage. And now that he had brought the possessed body of Ran here, he swiftly fused with her to overpower me.

I cannot really get mad at my friends, at the end they prioritized the safety of the little princess and the queen, who were innocents that had been brainwashed by the Deep One.

Now's my turn to clean up this mess, and make sure that this bastard doesn't ever get to have a second chance, at all.

"Now that you're missing your other half, it seems that you've grown weaker, Deep One." I said with a smirk.

"Weaker…? Perhaps." Laughed the entity. "However, with this new body… With this new power… I shall never lose again, even less against you, lizard!"

"Hoh? We'll see about that!" I laughed boldly.