You Remind Me Of A Certain Useless Water Goddess...


While munching boiled giant crab claws, we made our way across the jungles of the shores of Muspelheim. There was a beautiful mix between many different types of plants here. There were the green palm trees, but there were also weird iron-bark trees with blazing leaves. Some trees had incredibly hot fruits which, when bitten, would let out a hot, lava-like substance.

There were several rivers made of flowing lava, and to the distance we spotted at least over ten volcanoes scattered everywhere. This place was insane, the amount of volcanic activity was nuts, and I was surprised plant life still evolved and managed to prosper in such a world.

"Geez! I can't believe you're just using me as your boiler!" Aegir said while she had transformed into a bubble of water, constantly boiling the crab claws for us. "I am the Goddess of the Sea!"