The Tower Of The Dark Myconid


"You've saved our tribe, you don't know how grateful we are, sir lizard and fire giants!" The Elder Truffle said, crying in happiness. The rest of the Myconid gathered around him.

"It is nothing, we were just passing by. Also, I'm a dragon. Name's Surtr, and this is Mina and Nadia. We've come from the surface to check on the Mountain Guardian. Lately, he has stopped being active, and we've heard that he might be in pain." Said Surtr.

"You people are Myconid, right?" Mina wondered. "I've heard that you people have worshiped the guardian for thousands of years!"

"Do you know where he might be?" Nadia asked with concern. "The faster we can get there, the better…"

"Oh, so you've come to aid our lord!" The chief said in happiness and relief.

"But our lord is…"

"Well, it is all that damn Trafalh's fault!"

"What can we even do?"

"What's wrong?" Mina wondered. "Who's Trafalh?" She asked innocently.