Blaze, The Witch Of Purgatory


The Four Hounds jumped into battle the moment their master gave the order, and while watching him fight a tremendously strong foe like never before, they quickly divided and targeted the dragon king's allies, aiming to weaken his morally by ripping them apart from his life.

The four went on their own paths as they disliked fighting together as a team, their powers were overwhelming and their magic very strong, so they often got in the way of the other, only causing one another unnecessary harm, and pissing each other even more.

It was very clear that the Flame Emperor never really guided his servants to cooperate together, and the only thing tying them together was that they were all pretty much his slaves, made submissive after he almost killed them… Some have gained an insane obsession with him, others admired his power and wanted to follow him to gain such power themselves, and some just wanted to have fun.