The Third {Original}


A sphere of black flames holding a small red jewel fragment traveled across the landscapes of Muspelheim, until it reached a hidden cave, touching its floor and activating a magic circle, instantly teleporting the small flame to the depths of an underground hideout.

The place seemed out of place compared to the world of Yggdrasil, filled with all sorts of highly technological devices, huge transparent tubes filled with floating bodies and colorful liquids, artifacts glowing with bright jewels, and many other sights that could only be found inside the laboratory of a crazy scientist.

"So you lost."

A voice echoed at the distance. The small black flame stopped flying towards its target, suddenly glancing at the tall, fair-skinned figure of a long-eared, blonde, and green-eyed man, wearing green, Nordic clothes.

"This is not my end. This is just the beginning…"