Meeting A Mysterious Pair


After getting a bit of a glimpse of what was ahead of me now that I've reached the {Divinity Limit} set by {Fate} which cannot be overcome unless I create Ascendancy Laws of my own to change the laws of my own existence pretty much so I can bypass {Fate} itself ruling the Laws of the World, I decided to give a last look at my Status.


[Name]: [Drake Fafnir Orochi]

[Race]: [Ancient Great Vampire Dragon God of Primordial Blood and Dark Abyss]

[Ascendancy Laws]: [None]

[Main Divinities (10/14)]: [Divinity: Eternal Winter (SSS)] [Divinity: Endless Dreams (SSS)] [Divinity: Dungeons (SSS)] [Divinity: Dream Dungeons & Nightmare Labyrinths (SSS)] [Divinity: Primordial Oceans of Time (SSS)] [Divinity: Holy Light (SSS)] [Divinity: Primordial Blood (SSS)] [Divinity: Dark Abyss (SSS)] [Divinity: Golden Dunes (A)] [Divinity: Divine Starlight Flames (SSS)]