A Battle Against The Aberration!


"{Draconic Tempest Kick}!"

Seconds before the abomination could devour the people it had "marked" and captured, Emerald arrived, descending from the skies, and imbuing his legs with a powerful Divine Wind Gust!


Despite how little trust he had on his own strength, that kick alone made the aberrant creature have its whole jaws broken apart, splattering around the surroundings, failing to devour the innocents it captured.


Its vines quickly started to move away the moment it saw Emerald, whom it had seen before. The beast had not realized how truly strong the fearful beaked dragon truly was!

"L-Leave them alone!" Emerald was mustering his courage, although deep down he was very afraid. "Let them go! You won't eat them! I won't let you! {Wind Cutting Claws}!"