Emerald's True Potential!


The gigantic computer in front of Emerald, which was constantly glowing bright red, seemed like an obvious target!

"I never thought about it, mostly because it's so big it just melded with the background." 

Emerald walked towards the huge screen, his golden claws overflowing with spiraling winds, as he quickly rushed to destroy it!

"{Tempestuous Dragon Claws}!"


An explosion of winds reached the computer the moment his claws attempted to sink through them, only for Emerald to realize something had blocked his attack.

And it was another barrier, exactly the same as the one the Juggernaut possessed!


The computer quickly took the shape of a pixelated face, flaring at Emerald with angered eyes, the young wind dragon stepped back in fear.

"[Did you really thought I was defenseless]? [As long as this barrier exists, you cannot harm me.]"
