Benladann & Miranda Against The Demon Generals


A giant black axe descended from the skies after Drake's Nebula Domain blasted everything else. The Three Demon Generals only saw a titanic being emerge out of thin air.

She was certainly not there before, yet she appeared with an explosion of black lightning, from a small size of only around three meters, she became a titan of over a hundred.

Her appearance was like a mix between a Frost Titan and a Chaos Dragon, with a body more humanoid in shape, but completely encompassed on a hard armor of countless black, dark purple, and red scales.

Her draconic head released chaotic flames from within her closed jaws, and her six crimson eyes glowed with bright red light. Her spiraling, black and red horns extended in pairs down to her long neck, and her long tail divided itself into many stinger-like sharp ends.

With her enormous wings spread out, which showed crimson- and yellow-colored eyes in them, the gigantic woman unleashed her attack.