


The commotion caused by Drake could be heard several hundreds of kilometers from where he was, Pandemonium glanced into the distance, squinting his eyes with a slight amount of annoyance.

"He sure loves making a huge fuss about everything, that bastard…"

His crimson claws grew as his arms were suddenly covered by black and dark red dragon scales, his hands suddenly grew incredibly big, tearing down the ground below him and digging out something, a huge golden treasure chest.

"Heh, but you're not the only one that can find them easily either, fucker~" he smiled while giggling.

Pandemonium opened a crimson demon gate by his side as several demon hands grabbed the treasure and dragged it away, storing it in hell itself, this was his "Inventory" in a way.

"Pan… don't be like… that… you should be a bit… grateful… Hm?"

Suddenly, a voice reverberated inside of his head.