The Request Of Henrietita


By using the Breath of Creation and my own Divinity, repairing this entire place and cleaning it didn't take even a minute, it was done before the owner could even begin to question what I meant with what I said.

"A-Ah? It's… it's back to normal?!"

"Yeah, sorry again… I hope those thugs won't come back but I don't know much about this place," I said.

"Oh, well… Uh, you're an Esper?"

"Yes," I nodded. "Anyways, I was planning on leaving with my family, right?"

"Yeah, we could leave," nodded Benladann. "But are you sure there's no other problem? I feel like just fixing the place isn't enough."

"I know those thugs attacked us for a reason, but the reason was so small that it felt like they were actually looking for a reason, even if small, to go all-out," said Miranda.

"Yeah, like… perhaps, there's some debt you have? Or something?" I asked the family.