Away from peace

'Please don't bring me to another battle! Please, please don't bring me to another battle.' Was Xin Feng's thought, as he was worried that he couldn't handle any other fights, since he was nothing but a normal human being, and one that has lost most of his limbs as well.

"Nooo!!" He wailed when he saw the ground puff into solid clouds and the sky turning bright and blue.

The enemies that he was expecting, didn't come. Instead, it was a place where the light healed him. He released a sigh of relief, grateful that he had the opportunity to at least heal. Unfortunately, fate was against him, because right when he had been healed enough, Xin Feng became aware that another incoming battle was inevitable. Laughters of naughty children sounded around him with a very high pitch and a lot of annoying echoes, telling his instincts that danger would befall him soon again.

Bodies made of cloud that weren't visible before, stood up from the ground with a wide grin. There were eight of them, each in a different position to form a circle around Xin Feng. They were all identical with their round body, thin limbs, and two horns above their slit eyes.

Their sharp teeth retracted, leaving a large toothless mouth open. An ultra-high frequency blasted through their mouth onto the area Xin Feng was lying, injuring Xin Feng even more.

He was almost fully recovered, but the sonic attack gave him new injuries before he could stand back up. His ears were bleeding, and soon his nose as well. His body felt compressed, and his insides were going insane. What made things worse for him, was that the pain was an infinite loop, as the speed on him getting injured and healed were alike.

If he wanted to die, it would be impossible. His limbs were good to move, but the pressure on his body made it unbearable for him to move. Xin Feng thought back about the day when Xin Ling had tortured him, and finally realized the true meaning of damage and heal torture. There was no pain tolerance, no special skills, no super strength. It was a dire situation that made Xin Feng realize the reality of being weak. Weak and helpless without the assistance of someone or something.

Even though he had no assistance. Even though it was difficult for him to move. He eventually forced his body to move after many bright day and night cycles had passed. He reminisced about his first reality where he laid on a hospital bed. He longed for his reality to be that, he longed for his situation to be nothing but a dream. But he knew that dreaming was nothing but a fantasy. He knew that he had to fight and work hard for his fantasy to become a reality. That, and the unending pain, was the reason he kept on crawling forward. With every movement, blood poured out of his mouth, staining the world with more and more blood.

He didn't take a second to stop, for the assaulting pain didn't give him a chance to rest. Eventually, he was able to reach the imp in front of him. He lifted his upper body, and delivered a punch to it.

Upon touch the imp immediately turned to vapor, before it faded into nil. The others quickly changed formation upon their ally's death, to direct their attack towards Xin Feng again. With their arrow formation, they assaulted Xin Feng with their sonic waves again.

Unfortunately for them, the riddance of one brought Xin Feng enough strength to walk through their weakened attack. Every time Xin Feng chipped one off, he was able to recover thanks to them changing their position. Their attack weakened each time as well, making it easier for him to charge in and finish them faster.

The environment changed once again before he could even let out a breath. It was an empty desert, but not just any desert. It was a desert that had a portal a hundred meters away from Xin Feng.

Xin Feng was happy to find another chance of leaving, but this time he was ready for the dangers that might pop up. As he had expected, something was heard behind him. When he tried to look behind him, he found his legs were sunken in the sand by a few inches.

Xin Feng quickly fell to his back to widen the surface that touched the ground, so he wouldn't sink in the sand. As he laid on the ground, he slightly moved his upper body to find out what was behind him. His adrenaline kicked in immediately when he saw rocks randomly appearing in the sky before falling with enough force that could kill him in an instant.

Filled with adrenaline, he rolled with his life in line, in the direction of the portal. As he rolled, rocks occasionally appeared above him, forcing him to roll to another direction. The ground trembled continuously, and Xin Feng had to be careful for areas that became pits after a rock fell down. He could fall into one of the pits if he didn't have a good sense of direction, or he could get dragged into a pit if he didn't roll far enough from a location where a rock would fall. He rolled as fast as he could, for the more time he wasted, the more pits were created.

With a lot a sand on his body, he finally appeared in front of the portal. Xin Feng lifted his body with the least possible pressure on the ground, before leaping towards the portal.

'Please get me out of these abnormal realities.' He begged inwardly as he leapt towards the portal. He fell face flat to the ground in misery, because he was deceived once again.

In hopelessness, he flipped himself around to get ready for another battle, only to find a dreadful fate coming his way. A spike shaped rock that was about a meter long was in front of him, ready to pierce through his stomach.

*Cough* *Cough*

In pain, Xin Feng spit another load of blood, before he slowly blacked out from having lost a good amount of blood.