Everything's a mess

"You actually jumped, and you're okay?!"

"Name's Gail by the way."

Gail was the talkative person who tried to go to Von previously at the rooftop. When she was in the elevator, she kept pestering Von about Xin Feng. From why he didn't introduce him to her before, to if he's really going to jump. She was visibly excited, but concerned about the fact that someone so charming would risk their life.

'I'm the one who's supposed to joke around with my life' was one of her thoughts as she questioned Von the crucial details about Xin Feng and why he would risk his life.

Von who was used to her endless rambling, answered her questions as direct and simple as he would often do. He simply explained to her about Xin Feng's special abilities and that he couldn't recommend an annoying stone slab to his dearest friend, before he looked away from her and avoided every other question that followed.