A good morning...

"Good morning~" Xin Feng stroked the hair of Jillian to wake her up, since the breakfast was getting cold.

Jillian was quite the messy sleeper. On her bed, there were pillows lying everywhere, while the sheets of the bed covered her leg instead of the bed. To wake her up, it took Xin Feng more than a single attempt, as she seemed to be either a deep sleeper or someone that was too lazy to wake up early.

"Come on! You've slept more than twelve hours! Wake up! I made breakfast!"

"Really…?" She muttered with doubt audible in her voice.

"Do you want me to pour coffee on you to prove it?" Xin Feng decided to ask, as he was visible annoyed by her lazy attitude. When he couldn't take it any longer, he shook her body with enough force to wake her up, until she couldn't keep her eyes closed any longer.

"Ah~! You did make breakfast~! My bad, I can't smell anything this early and cold…"