
"Sir!" The ex-soldier pushed herself up to stand the instant she noticed Xin Feng at the doorway.

She gave him a salute because she knew that the person in front of her was the leader of the entire group. She had seen him display his powers and heroic deeds, and knew that he needed to be respected more than a General or a King ever would be respected. In turn, Xin Feng gave her a salute back to show some mutual respect, since there was no need to be humble.

"Is there anything you need, good sir?"

"Ah, no no~ Just wanted to introduce myself since we hadn't really talked before. I've heard you have the ability to sense magic. Seeing that you're someone with a patriotic heart, I hope you can keep yourself and the nation safe." Xin Feng told her with a smile.

*Oh* The ex-soldier reacted with a look of surprise due to the fact that the guy in front of her knew her character.

'Right… telepathy.' She thought in realization.