Hidden memories

[Hey… So I've been wondering… Want to meet up?]



-You should pay me at least a fourth of the traveling expenses though hehe

[I can do that… I'm the one asking anyway ^.^]

[A date it is then! ^.^]


-You're quite persistent aren't yah?? -_-

[Ehe ~..~. Trust me! You'll be interested in a love life after this (<.<) ]

-Fine… (-^-) I'll check my car real quick then

-If I'm not there in five hours, I've changed my mind…

I stared at my phone for a minute, waiting to see if she had anything else to say before I left. My data would be turned off after all, since I don't want to be disturbed whenever I'm driving. The girl who I was about to meet was just too persistent in meeting me, but since it's been a year, I guess it wouldn't bring harm to satisfy her wish.