The ending?


It seems that Xin Feng was getting quite intrigued by the little story that he could relate with...

"So you've finally decided to show yourself… The dead have notified me about your arrival. I'm completely aware of you, you lowly being. Tch! Just a knight of Death, trying to recruit me. Tell her that even if it's Death itself, I won't be submitting to anyone." Bruno bluffed. His words, they were all bullsh*t…

To the demon however, Bruno's words seem to be the truth. After all, Bruno looked too confident and certain about his words. There was no way for the demon to believe Bruno to be bluffing. Yet Bruno did, and so effortlessly as well.

Although the demon bought the bluff of Bruno, the way he reacted was quite unexpected to how Bruno had imagined. Instead of showing signs like fear, respect, or uncertainty, the demon showed aggression and rage instead.