"Small fry, me?"

The metallic building where the terrorists came out shook the ground as it moved.

The gigantic building transformed into a giant robot that resembles a spider trampling even Lindon's allies.

It as twenty meters tall and looks really strong yet the commander doesn't show any interest, on the other hand, Arnold is still quiet.

To think that the person he desperately tried to save is the mastermind behind the tragedy must have shocked him.

"Yes, you really are a small fry."

The staying still white orbs once again fired light, this time in forms of lasers and the target is the gigantic mechanical spider.

The spider has been decimated into smithereens with consecutive explosions. Scraps of metal are everywhere either caught fire or have already melted.

"Hehehe, do you really think your small tricks would work on me? Hilarious."

A wide grin I have never seen on the commander's always laid-back face made me shiver.

It feels like his very existence is devoid of the light he always used to punish evil.

Even the confident Lindon Wilkins could not do a thing but shook in terror behind the eyes that is looking at him like an ant.


Commander Ellis' smile returned to its natural form.

"Isn't it very simple?

From the beginning,

even if you have enhanced your power to the maximum,

even if you use all the tricks up your sleeves,

even if you bring infinite number of allies,

even if you bring all the worlds you have been against me…

you are no match for me."


The veins are almost popping in Lindon's wide eyes.

His knees are bent to the ground along with his arms.

In the moment he faced the ground the beams from the still floating orbs of light rain upon him yet he has not been pierced.

The moment the first beam hit him he has already turned into nothing.

All that remained is the molten ground but commander Ellis continue his attack as if he has been possessed.

After he killed Lindon in front of us is the commander's straight smile, instead of reassurance of survival I felt a chill running through my bones.

This is the most powerful ability-user of our generation, the sole son of Ellis family, and the commander of the Crimson Night Corps, Teivel Carmine Ellis.

"This is how you trample an evil organization. It's easy, no?"

Neither I nor Arnold answered that question, without a doubt this person did the right thing, destroying people that means harm to innocent people.

He is realizing justice for the people but the way he does things is protecting the innocents by eradicating evil, not giving them a chance to change.

The reason why many soldiers quit the Crimson Night Corps might be not because of the harsh and brutal training…

It is because there is a living devil who justifies evil above them.

Without uttering a single word, our surroundings have changed.

It is the commander who instantly teleported us back to the headquarters.

Waiting us there is sir Eric, our senior, who seems ready in accompanying us back as he gave us towels and drinks.

"It is impossible that the mission goes well with you two so have some refreshments first. Let us talk later after you calmed down."

I nodded in silence.

His words are still rough but somehow, I can feel comfort.

Even the smallest hint of kindness eases my mind even a little.

To others my eyes might seem blank and empty but I am thinking about lots of things that can't be expressed, most of it is about our commander.

The easy-going and always smiling commander can make that face too huh.

I am not a bad judge of people, in fact I am quite good at it, that is why I survived in the rough conditions of the Stofford family who only values power and strength.

I developed an ability to judge whether a person is trustworthy or not because of my humble position in the family.

And yet!

And yet…

I did not see it.

The darkness hidden inside the commander who is the sun.

I sighed at relief knowing that commander is no longer with us, being with him right now is just so frightening.

I can clearly remember how he looked down on Lindon and vaporizing him like nothing.

The way he did not care about the criminal's lives and shoot the beams killing them without hesitation.


Arnold who is just as frightened as I am spoke with a stuttering voice.

"I don't want to continue this anymore! I don't want to kill people!"

With his tears bursting like a child, I have no other choice but to comfort him by patting his back.

Arnold is a good person, a very good person.

He decided to be a part of the SDC in order to protect the people from evil.

His eyes are always glimmering whenever we talk about the SDC in our childhood.

But this is the reality we need to face, in order to protect people, we need to prepared to kill the evil people.

It might not have been in our minds when we were children, no, it must have crossed our minds but we ignored it, that we might kill people in the future as we continue this path.

"I… I will continue! I will be much stronger than ever! So strong that I would not fear facing even the commander, that is why, continue walking this path with me!"

This is not a plea.

This is me dragging the kind Arnold in the path I chose for myself that even I am scared to walk.

I am taking advantage of his kindness for him to stay with me.

But what can I do?

Without him by my side, I am afraid I will lose myself in the path so bright that is blinding.

"Let us continue being a part of Crimson Night!"