Barely hanging on a thread, I saved my own life by teleporting.

He suddenly appeared in front of me with a sword made of pure light, I managed to escape but I lost my left arm, my skin has been burnt, and I am barely breathing.

I hate to say it but that devil is right, I have gained power but it is not even strong enough to put a scratch on him.

The people I gathered for tens of years are dead, only leaving a few who I chose not to involve in that battle.

I knew that that guy has been weaken,

I even acquired half of his abilities,

I should be much stronger than him, but what kind of result is this?

"I wonder what kind of result is this too, you know?"

A sudden chill ran through my skin like a bolt of lightning, the devil stood in front of me.

His hands in his behind with his chest leaning forward to me, his grin is so wide I can see his jaws widely,

his crimson eyes are the eyes of predator playing at its prey before eating it.


My body is frozen still, I could not lift even a finger.

How did I even think I can fight against this monster?

Staring at the clear night, the moon is full and white.

It outshone the stars near it with a white circular veil.

I walked to the path where the streets are dark, only the flickering street light and the sky above is the source of light, I walked inside an abandoned house which is the reason I came here.

It is said to be haunted by evil spirits so no one really come here, it is where I will stay for the night.

I have nothing I can call home; I could not call a pile of ashes home after all.

Walking past the creaking door my foot slip down the wooden floor.

Since the building is old, I already anticipated this though. Inside the house, you can hear the sound of meowing cats and crawling insects but it does not bother my ears.

Instead, I hurried and lay my body in the dusty floor with my arms and feet widespread, I could not remember when is the last time I slept peacefully.

But as I closed my eyes my stomach rumbles as if it doesn't agree with my prior statement.

My shadow extends to a wandering cat spread wide, it then traps the prey like a flytrap and absorbed its blood leaving only its flesh, bones, and hide which I hid inside the old cabinet.

Tears would not even fall even if I am this sad.

Why am I even alive?

I should have died with them.

Why am I who is the weakest survived?

"Ah, so you are here? Did you really think you can escape from me? How foolish of you?"

Red eyes so deep as if you have sunken into the abyss, and black hair that swallows even the darkest nights, the beautiful figure of a woman despite him being a man, and a hideous grin to top it off.

There is no one other devil than 'Teivel Carmine Ellis' would fit this description.

Teivel Carmine Ellis is devil among devils, and the evil among evil, a being that is supposed to be in this world.

"Will I finally die?"

Upon hearing my words, he softly touched my cheeks down to my chin exuding a gentle but unkind smile.

His nails are sharp even more than the wildest of beasts so the gentle touch he did made my face bleed enough only not to be fatal. He then placed his lips near my ear and whisper.

"As if I will let you die peacefully, a monster like you should be tortured forever deep inside my very cute, little, and dark prison. Do you want to know what will happen there?"

At that time my consciousness become faint but I know I'm still alive.

I could not see nor hear anything, around me is boundless darkness and eternal silence.

I have been here for so long that I have forgotten even my own name.

Only a faint memory of me of a great massacre has been embedded in my memory and also the name of the monster who wrecked our world, Teivel Carmine Ellis.

Just remembering the name made me full of hatred and anger.

But the me who is stuck in a place like this could do nothing but wait for a miracle to happen.

How long, how long would I remain in this darkness?

Every passing second is like eternity and my thought process is as dull as it is.

I do not know how much time have passed since my era and if there are lucky people in my country who survived.

I have given up. There is no way a miracle could happen but soon after it did.

Teivel's soul has been divided into seven pieces and I took control of one, I made the other two my allies and seize the power of two more leaving him only two pieces of his soul.

The main one has his own consciousness and another was in a vessel he soon absorbed.

His only power is controlling light and healing, ah how foolish have I become.

"Are you done in reminiscing your past?"

His smile stayed the same way as it is way back then, I will be bound once again with the chains inside the endless darkness.

I closed my eyes and accepted my fate.


Teivel gently caress my face, even with my eyes close I can feel the large grin of the devil but this time something is different.

It seems as if he is holding me with care and affection.

My body started to disintegrate into particles of light that is being absorbed by Teivel.

"This light is so warm."

I uttered those words and smiled, I did not know the reason but I feel warmth and comfort.

There are no chains to bind me nor is there endless darkness, there is only a large gate for me to open and beyond it waiting are the people who I care the most.