Fairy Helpers & A Choice

Caerus took his first step off the runic carved circle he landed on, the mild night air filled his lungs with a wave of refreshment. He knew it was not real, but every part of this so far had felt like reality. The feel of his clothes against his skin, the light breeze that grazed against his hair. Amidst his adjustment, a ball of green barreled its way toward him and forced him to lean back as it stopped right before his face.

"Hi Caerus, I can't believe you are finally here, hi, hi, hi." The ball spoke in a high pitched voice.

It bounced up and down and circled around him as it cheered and screamed with joy.

"Excuse me, how do you know my name? And what in the hell are you?" Caerus blurted out.

"Sorry, I was so excited I forgot to introduce myself."

The bright green glow faded, and a small female looking humanoid emerged. Dressed in a bright red suit, and emerald green hair, with pale pink skin.

"I am Ember, I am your fairy!"

"My fairy?" Caerus replied.

"Yes. Every outworlder that arrives is assigned a fairy! I'm here to help you on your journey in Godsland. I am your one stop shop of knowledge, tips, and being the bestest of friends." Ember grinned while she did a salute.

"Well then thank you Ember. I will need the help for sure. Actually, where am I?"

"Well, Caerus good buddy. You are in the town of Rainspring. This is one of two starting points for outworlders in the country of Pendragon."

"Pendragon?" Caerus replied.

"Yes. Pendragon is one of three empires in the western continent Azarus. The most southern empire to be exact. Fun fact Pendragon is home to some of the oldest ruins from a long lost civilization and-"

"Ok Ember that's enough thank you!" Caerus shouted to cut Ember off her ramble.

Caerus decided to take a walk through the town first. The smooth stone pathways led from the circle he arrived on and went in multiple directions. As he ventured down a path he would end up lost and turned around before finding himself on a path back to the circle. He took in all the architecture that he would never see in the real world. Lamps that hung outside burned bright in different colored flames. Vines and greenery wrapped themselves around them almost in a way that held the buildings up.

"Wait, this is fun and all. But I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing I need to earn money to stay here!" Caerus gripped his hair.

"Don't worry Caerus! I Ember, have all the tools you need to get started." Ember popped up from his shoulder.

"Really? Ok, how do we make money?"

"Well there are many way's but the first thing you need to do is choose a class!" Ember said.

"Class? What is that? Like a school? Oh god do I need to re-do a degree?" Caerus started to panic.

"No silly! A class is a specialization of skills. For example; you could become a fearsome Fighter. Heal all as a Cleric. Maybe you want to serve one of the gods and become a holy Paladin." Ember recited.

Caerus thought to himself for a second. He didn't really understand classes, or where to start. He needed something that would be risk-free and allow him to earn money with ease.

"I don't know what class to pick though. I just want something that isn't risky and that I can earn money with quick." Caerus explained.

"Well the first step is to look at your stats, but there is no such thing as risk free money here. Even merchant lords and priests have their own strengths to protect themselves," Ember replied. "Let's pull up those stats!"

It took Caerus a second before he remembered how to open the menu. The full-body version of himself appeared along with his stats, now randomized by the system:








"Wait zero luck? This doesn't feel random. More like someone laughing at me." Caerus thought of Dr.Dolus immediately.

"Well it is rare but it has happened. With these stats, I think there is one obvious course for you. Wizard!" Ember backflipped.

Caerus thought about the tall pointy hat and the long white beard, and the really long stick they carried everywhere

"Is that really my only option?" Caerus was not convinced.

"With your stats, Wizard will be the best path to success for you. The main stat for Wizards is Intelligence which is at six for you. Combined with your four in Wisdom, and three in Charisma, you could potentially branch into many paths that fall under the Wizard class." Ember explained.

"Ok fine, how do I do this?" Caerus sighed.

"Follow me, let's go to the Arcana Tower!"

The Arcana Tower stood tall glistening in silver stone above the city walls and the thick oak trees that formed a half-circle around it. A stone carved fountain of winged creatures entangled with each other. Groups of people dressed in dark blue cloaks that hung just above the ankles, with small strips of different colors that adorned the edges.

"Welcome to the Arcana Tower. There is one in every major city, they are the home of every magic user. Come let's go get you registered," Ember smiled and led.

Large blue painted doors led into the main hall. Tall ceilings with blue and silver banners greeted Caerus, brass platforms evenly spread out around the circle room each emitted a dim blue glow. Platforms floated above moving between the various doors that lined up the walls. An ornately carved steel desk sat in the middle bathed in light from above.

Caerus looked around but nobody could be found behind the desk. Along the countertop sat a golden bell, much like one at old hotel receptions. The soft and light tone from the bell rung out as he struck the top.

"A new acolyte has come to join the illustrious ranks of arcane users," a voice echoed out through the room.

Caerus spun on his heel, he heard the voice but could not see anyone around him in the quiet hall.

"Welcome to the Rainspring Arcana Tower. How may we help you?"

A high-pitched scream lept out of Caerus, his hand clutched to his chest. Behind him back at the desk was the owner of the voice. A being that towered over him stood behind the desk. Its elongated limbs were covered by the shimmering blue cloak that was edged with silver embroidery. Two large green oval eyes stared down upon Caerus, it reminded him of the eyes of a fly.

"Yes, I'm erm Caerus. I want to become a wizard..." Caerus stuttered.

"Wonderful! I am Magister Zilkum, forgive me if my appearance startled you. I know outworlders do not know of Quilre. Let me take your information down." Zilkums thin lips curled into a smile.

"Ok Caerus, I must ask what art you would like to specialize in."

"But I don't want to be a painter."

Zilkum broke out in a slow methodic laugh.

"No young one. Art refers to the type of wizard you will be, what magic you will specialize in."

"What are the options?" Caerus replied.

"For our new acolytes, we at Rainspring offer the following. Alchemy, the art of potions, poisons, and the study of everything down to its atomic level: Enchanting, the art of enchantments either on objects or people: Conjuration the art of summoning creatures from our plane and others, and the study of said creatures." Zilkum recited.

Caerus had to take a moment. He really didn't understand what any of them really did, he would need something useful that could keep him alive and earn money. Alchemy maybe he could make potions and sell them. Or he could enchant other players' equipment. On the other hand, a personal army he could summon would come in handy.

"Well Caerus, which one are you thinking about?" Ember questioned.

"Ok Zilkum, I have made my choice."