The Price Paid

Darkness was all Caerus could see. Thick water sat above his ankles which held him in place. His body felt heavy, weighed down, unable to move even his fingertips. There was no warmth here, just a cold embrace that hung around his body like a blanket of ice.

"It look's like you have suffered a terrible fate."

A voice echoed from the darkness, followed by a maniacal chuckle. Caerus tried to call out, but the words did not leave his lips. A fog of red smoke billowed and blossomed from the darkness. A torso as large as a building emerged from the smoke. Skin as white as the moon, with deep red markings that writhed and crawled around his upper chest and arms. Caerus recognized the face immediately. It was the same mask face that was carved into the stone. Blackened wood with the same silver mural across the face and nose. Bright red eyes glowed from behind and all were focused down onto Caerus.

"Terrible thing those so-called allies did to you. You are now forever bound here. The spirit that binds Hel and Munda together."

Munda was another name for what they called the Earthly plane. He tried to respond but no matter what he tried to say his voice could not be found.

"Don't try to speak, you are a spirit, you have no lips. No tongue. Just a mass of your spiritual remnants Outworlder. This is not the first betrayal you have faced. In fact, you have done the same thing, how could you not see it coming?" The figure laughed more.

"I can see it, all your misfortune, your greed, your desire. All cut down by your own ineptitude and weakness. Yet you still try to cling to the thread of life. Well, the thread is frayed, Gabriel."

Caerus was shocked, how could a game character know his real name, and what did the figure mean forever bound.

"Sorry should I use your new name? Caerus wasn't it. I mean forever bound. You can not leave here until the seal is broken, or when your time in Godsland expires."

The realization struck Caerus hard, he would be stuck here for the remainder of his game time, and then death by the hands of the mafia he had double crossed. The irony was not lost to him.

"I can feel it, your despair oozes along with that curious will to live. You interest me Caerus."

The figure snapped his fingers and warmth rushed over Caerus. He could move once more, his fingers patted his face.

"Who are you?" Caerus finally was able to speak.

"I am Agdrazuth the god of the demons of Hel. Or I was until a terrible fate befell me too," Agdrazuth explained.

"I have been on the end of stacked deals my entire life, so I know when you have an offer for me," Caerus stated.

"Straight to the point, I like it. Yes, I do have an offer for you. I was betrayed by a group of demons now named The Unholy Ones. There are five of them, and as long as they live, I am stuck here. In this contained limbo."

"So you want me to kill them? How? I am weak here. I may be smart, but all I have is a hound that breathes fire. That doesn't seem like a recipe for success here," Caerus questioned.

"Yes you are weak, but you are also a summoner one who is bound as a lock between Hel and Munda. So I propose a trade that helps you too. I will make you an Invoker," Agdrazuth stated.

"An Invoker? What is that?" Caerus replied.

"As a conjurer, you can summon beings to do your bidding. This is the basics of your abilities, but an Invoker allows the beings to inhabit and merge with their body. Temporarily absorbing their attributes, talents, strengths. You already have something you can use this with. The Ragni Hound. Along with the pup, you can grow and gain access to the sixty-six demons I still have bound to my will. With this power, you will become my Avatar. Able to exact my will upon Munda," Agdrazuth exclaimed.

"So you give me the power to kill these Unholy Ones, and what you get to reign over Hel once more?"

"And you get to leave here tonight, free with the potential to become the most powerful being in Munda."

"What's the catch?" Caerus knew one would come.

"Like the hound, you will be eternally bound to me. If I ask something you must do it, or I can easily drag you back here where you can experience my power," Agdrazuth stated.

"That sounds dirty."

"Only if you make it."

The silence that followed was deafening before Caerus cleared his throat.

"I don't have many options, do I? I accept."

Caerus resigned himself to this fate, he needed to stay and if this was his only way to do so then he will take it happily. Plus he now has some revenge to deal out.

Agdrazuth laughed and clapped his hands together. The red fog rushed forward and wrapped itself around Caerus. The tendrils began to invade his nostrils and he could feel the burning hot threads reach deep within his chest. His heart pumped once more, his insides screamed out in pain as the fog coursed its way through his body. It began to expand within him, ready to burst free from his form, and darkness once again set in.

The sound of whimpers and sobbing filled Caerus' ears. His body groaned and flared up at the first few beats of his heart, and new air, filled his once still lungs. Eyelids heavy they began to open. The sight of a furry red face stared down at him followed by the cold trails of saliva across his face.

"Caerus? Wait, how is this possible? You are alive!" Ember's voice rang out.

Every movement was labored, his body fighting against his will as he attempted to sit up. His chest was soaked through but he could feel the hum of his heart thump through his fingertips.

"Yeah, I'm alive." Caerus coughed

His mouth was still filled with the strong iron taste of his own blood, and the air soothed his sore throat. Red had his paws upon his shoulder and could not stop showering Caerus with relieved affection.

"How? I thought you would be trapped here!" Ember flew around in circles hands clasped around her head.

Caerus was still atop the platform but the marble beneath him was now smooth. The ground shook, Caerus lost his balance and fell back onto his back.

"What's going on?"

All the statues became engulfed in a bright light that rose from the floor. Even the platform beneath him became engulfed and soon the light was too bright, forcing his eyes shut once more.

The rumble faded, the earth sat still. Caerus was welcomed by a glowing orb that hung in front of him.

"Ember what is this?"

"The dungeon closed, this is the reward you get. Go on grab it." Ember bounced up and down.

The orb felt cool to the touch a feeling that enveloped his hand. Inside he felt a cold metal handle. He pulled out a briefcase. Bound in purple scales and a symbol carved into it.

"My gift to you. Avatar." Agdrazuth voice rung out.

Caerus looked around to no avail, the demon god was nowhere in the empty cave he now sat in.