
'Well old man, I guess I get to use your old man's style.'

As Rui falls backwards from the punch, he swiftly swung his arm and delivered a chop-like movement to the monster whose neck snapped back. The sound that soon followed echoed extensively in the know silent dome. The monster stumbled back, it plopped to the ground.

The ground broke where the monster landed. It did not seem to twitch. It just lied there silently and unmoving, like a piece of log on the forest ground. Unlike a piece of log, it stood back up whilst snapping its neck back into place.

Rui raises his eyebrow and this development as not many can withstand its water stream rock smashing fist. This led Rui to deduce that the monster had some sort of crazy durability or shock absorption. Seeing as how it 'died' first before getting back up, he thinks it's the latter.

Since he is in the flow of the water stream rock smashing fist, he decided to continue to it. He led every single one of the monster's punch back at it at even more power. It seem to be child's play for Rui as he still feels he can go for hours whereas the monster's speed and power seem to be dwindling.

Rui suspects the monster to be at its lowest point and decided to finish it with a strong punch. He bends his knees and sends an uppercut to it chin which send ripples to its brain exploding it. Squishy brain matter splatters everywhere in the nearby vicinity and Rui avoids it narrowly by jumping back.

Rui waits for another villain to interfere but does not hear any footsteps making its way to him. Seeing as his job is done, he escapes the dome and happily races to find Giran to get his payment.

'I must hurry!' All Might says in his mind as he bolts towards U.S.J at speeds unconceivable to the naked eye.

He soon arrives within minutes only to find an unusual situation. A black mist swirling into nothingness, a bunch of unrecognized adults-villains he realized- either scrambling to get into the black mist or getting they asses beat by Aizawa.

He got the hint from Iida that the class should be in mortal danger but it looks like the situation is all under control. As it should be expected really. With Aizawa around as well as Thirteen it should not have been any problem.

But when he looks down and sees the distraught faces of the students his mind begs to differ. They looked like they had seen death manifest itself before their very eyes.

Except Bakugo of course. He looks like his kindergarten teacher gave him the red card.

His domineering presence did not go unnoticed as Jiro spots him and calls out for his name.

At just the mention of All Might, villains who were still conscious visibly stiffen and stood rooted to the ground. They looked up and saw the ever-famous number one hero. Within seconds, All Might took out the remaining villains.

The students cheered for him, but it was stunted. Nothing like the usual praise he gets outside. Even him walking in the class got a more of an enthusiastic applause than here. Here it is like they were apprehensive about things.

The door bursts open and the heroes and Iida got ready only to find the situation diffused.

'I'll have to ask Aizawa what happened after this.'

"Giran? Giran?" Rui calls out to his business partner at the rendezvous point they agreed at.

"Yes, yes, yes I am here. Quiet down will ya?"

"Ahh no worries man. No one's here."

"If you weren't my best client I would have dropped you,' he says as he shakes his head in exasperation,' how did it go?"

"Finished and did extra. I think my masterpiece will end up in the news."

Giran had an unknowing look at first before saying, "well don't get caught I guess. Here's your payment."

Giran hands him a yellow envelope containing the money as agreed.

Rui receives it with both hands. He adopted a serious tone and face.

"I remember you talking about a fifty-fifty deal, so don't just give me twenty percent next time okay? I know six hundred thousand is barely even the deal. The next time this happens, I will make sure I get one hundred percent and you will get death ya?"

He grins menacingly at Giran.

Rui figured it out a while back when he realized that there was no way an assassination costed 1.2 million yen. It was a lot of money, but not enough for a villain no matter how weak they seem to be, and this guy was a notorious serial murderer.

Giran feels a drop of sweat travelling down his right cheek. His cheeks developed a red hue as he scratches his neck.

'Shit! How did he find out! And I thought he was a simple meathead!'

"I am a smart man Giran, keep that in mind. See you soon I guess. Remember for the fifty-fifty deal." Rui leaps off the ground before disappearing into the buildings and vanishes from his sight.

"Who was that? Was he a hero?"

Questions concerning the mysterious hero who saved them from a worser fate were being thrown around outside U.S.J where they were being checked for injuries though no one got hurt.

"Did you see how he defeated that big bird thing? It was so manly!"

"Not to mention he seemed to be having fun while doing it."

"And he looks to be around our age plus he looks cute!"

The class was in awe at the person. He came suddenly and left just as sudden. The defeat of the monster also made the two most dangerous villains retreat soon after.

Izuku Midoriya has his own thoughts, however.

'Who is he? Is he a new hero? He looks young so it may be a debut for him. And it looks like I have a lot to look up to.'