Takoyaki Adventures.

"Reports have said that an unknown man who called himself a vigilante had appeared recently at the local Yaoyorozu Gym. It is said he challenged a group of adults with learning disabilities to quote 'decimate them all'. An absolute horrendous human being who brings down others should definitely be locked up." Rui let the lies of the tv continue.

"What! What kind of bullshit was that?" questioned Rui.

Obviously, letting everyone know that Rui defeated a bunch of pro heroes with ease would be bad for publicity, and definitely make the citizens lose trust in heroes. So, a tweak here or there would be acceptable, but a whole different story was unimaginable for Rui.

He switched the tv off. He decided to let off some steam by exercising in the nearby park. It was not too shabby actually, there were some pull up bars and a place to work on the core.

Rui grabbed a plain t-shirt and some shorts and headed downstairs. As he descended down the stairs, he realized that since he got some coverage on the news, he might get recognized. He may not be able to go outside without being bombarded by heroes.

He went back up to grab a hoodie to cover his face. Soon, he arrived at the park where the exercise corner was. It was a Sunday, but not many people were at the park. Rui thought this must be the work of laziness due to the presence of quirks. But his ears perked up when he heard a child speaking to his mother.

"Hurry mom, we can't be late for the U.A Sports Festival!"

Rui turned his head and spotted a child no older than seven dragging his very tired and reluctant looking mom. Her feet dragged across the cement pavement while his were galloping in excitement.

"It's not going to go anywhere, you don't have to come so early…" the mom slurred her words.

A Sports Festival greatly interested Rui, who was looking for some entertainment apart from fighting ever since arriving in this world. Rui decided to lay off his training for today and spectate the Sports Festival.

He went back up to his apartment to take a shower and change into more presentable clothing. By this point, he realized he did not care if he was spotted. All he would have to do is just run away.

Wearing a white button-down shirt and jeans, along with white flat shoes, he set off to find wherever the U.A Sports Festival is. As he descended again, he whipped out his phone to locate the U.A Sports Festival.

To his surprise, this Sports Festival seem to be more famous than he thought. Multiple news outlet are going to cover this as well as the appearance of multiple heroes. After reading a few articles, he found out that the heroes are here to find interns to obtain experience before being heroes.

'Too businessy. Very much businessy.'

Rui didn't like how business-oriented the hero world was. It seemed like everywhere he may go, heroes are being exploited as moneymaking machines. This world even more so than his last with actual business terms like interns.

Nevertheless, he continued to make his way to U.A High School where the Sports Festival is taking place.

He made his way there slowly, taking the time to smell the flowers. Once he got there, he was greeted by the sight of multiple pop-up shops selling food. Each smell pleasured his heightened senses. He could smell the octopuses, the fried dough from the Takoyaki store. The fizzy cola from the drinks store. It was all wonderful.

Going to the store that attracted his attention first, the Takoyaki store, he spotted a group three people wearing weird costumes. Must be heroes, he deduced. He inched closer and heard a feminine voice speak.

"Oh no, my money is in another costume, I don't have money to pay for it."

"No worries! It's on the house!" the seller said.

'Free food? Don't mind if I do!' Rui thought. His logic was that if she could have it for free, he could too.

As the seller was about to give out the box of piping hot Takoyaki, Rui swoops in like a hawk and snatches it from him.

"Hey! That was mine!" the lady shouts.

"Not yours if you didn't pay," Rui retorted.

The lady reaches for Rui's shoulder but he switches with her which greatly surprised her.

"No Quirk usage allowed!"

"Don't care. Am a vigilante after all," Rui admitted.

Flustered, the lady stops pursuing him and asked, "really?"

"No! Why would one want to admit that when walls of wary heroes wearing wacky outfits surround them? Wholly outrageous! Anyway, be ashamed that you seduced the man into giving you free Takoyaki."

The lady's face turned sour because she knew he was right. With a reluctant sigh, she headed back to the shop to purchase another box of Takoyaki much to her chagrin and her friend's amusement. As she was about to receive another box of it, Rui swoops in again saying that "it was so very nice that I finished it quickly, so I'm gonna take yours. Thank you!"

Rui smiled gleefully while skipping away with another box of hot steamy Takoyaki. This time, her friends stepped in, because she actually paid for it. The man with tree like features extended his arm and wood protruded from it. As the wood was about to touch Rui, he looked back and with a surprised face avoided it.

He blew a raspberry and playfully ran off.

The lady turned to the seller who said that Takoyaki was all finished. The group of three ended up chasing after Rui in a wild goose chase who avoided all attempts of capture with relative ease while munching down on the Takoyaki.

i decided to go with a bit of casual writing instead of writing actions scenes evrytime :)