This chapter may or may not be gory. It isnt for me but just a heads up I guess. There will be blood and death.


The atmosphere in U.A High was undoubtably solemn. Kids were not rowdy at all, like they'd usually be. The bustling cafeteria that once was, was no more. Their heads are hung down, no one wanted to talk to one another, and homework was no longer a topic spoken at the tables. It was almost as if it was taboo.

The hallways were filled with people who walked with grace and caution. No longer were people running through them to reach the next class on time, or to race for the lunch specials that day. It was barren, like a desolate wasteland.

In class, everybody looked like they were paying attention, however they were not. There was only one thing on their mind. All Might's coma.

It was a hard pill to swallow, especially for class 1-A, who had grown close to All Might. In fact, he was only taking their classes, not anybody else.

His coma was revealed to them by the news and confirmed by the principal's announcement. Nobody felt like doing anything that day.

But All Might's words rang through their heads like an echo. 'Never fear, because I am here!'. His words brought upon a smile on their faces, no matter how small. That phrase meant something to them. It meant to continue to push forward in the face of adversity, and to believe. Continue to believe that there will be someone to save the day, and they are that someone.

Day by day, their mood became livelier though nothing like the usual.

However, there was someone who still couldn't let go.

Izuku Midoriya.

He hadn't come to school for the past few days. He spent them cooped up in his own room, sheltered from any and all interactions but his mom. The mighty words of All Might hadn't reached his ears as a result.


Rui had already recovered from his fight many days ago, but still had to hide away in the shadows. They had conducted an extensive search for him and they were beyond relentless. Helicopters, search dogs, heroes, and specialized quirk holders who were proficient in finding a culprit. Despite all attempts, they still had not found him.

By all means, Rui was strong. Probably stronger than anyone in this lame world. But when the whole world is against you, there is nothing – nada, zilch, zero – you can do. He can only hope that all this hype will die down sooner or later, or a deus ex machina will happen in his favor. There is only so many heroes he can face off before exhaustion resides in his body.

He tried calling Giran, his favorite friend, but his answer was less than satisfactory.

"Are you crazy? Don't call me again. Find another broker." He guessed that not even villains are willing to be associated with the one who defeated their number one hero.

Rui only realized the severity of the situation when he passed by a store that had TVs on display and found out that the man he had beat was a 'Symbol of Peace'.

Rui spent his days stealing from markets, swiftly running, and taking fruits from unsuspecting vendors.

One particular day, he was in an alley and chanced upon a robbery. A thief had stolen a purse and ran through the alleyway he was in. Rui seemingly appeared in front of the thief, startling him.

Once the thief realized who he was, he shrieked so loud Rui's ears almost bled.

"H-h-h-Hero Hunter!"

"Ooh, I have a name now? That's cool."

Rui sliced the man's neck and took back the purse. He heard clacking coming closer to him and when he looked up, he saw a lady who looked distressed. She was panting and her hands were on her knees.

Rui infers that this is the lady who got her purse stolen. He walked up to her to pass it to her but once he became visible in the day light and not the shadows, the lady too realized who the man was.

"Hero Hunter!" she screamed as she ran away.

Disappointment sets in his heart. He may have knocked out their hero but he wasn't that all bad. He was being attacked and had to retaliate. Plus, he wasn't causing trouble, just some mischievous pranking that got resolved.

He didn't like this feeling. Back home, even if he was a renowned villain, he was respected by heroes as an obstacle to overcome, and the citizens trusted in him to protect them from true threats.

In his heart, he was anything but a villain. He was a misunderstood hero.

"Halt! I don't think I can let you past." A voice announced behind him.

Rui looked back to see a man dressed up with roadblock attire and a nude midbody. He recognized him as one of the Takoyaki lady's friends.

"Let me guess, you are here to capture me?" he mused with him.

"Yes, and after this, my ranking will skyrocket!" he admitted.

Ugh. Ranking is all they care about? He actually couldn't believe it. Facing off possibly Japan's most wanted villain who can pummel their oh-so-mighty hero and all they can think about is their ranking.

Garou's teaching seem to transcend universes because even here heroes are selfish pricks who care more about the publicity. Killing them now didn't seem as bad of an idea as it was minutes ago.

As the man came for Rui, he stook out a hand reaching for his heart. The hero was stopped in his tracks when Rui's hand phased through him. On the other side of the body, his beating heart was outside of where it should be.

Seconds later, the man lost all sort of control of his body and his body went limp.

'Maybe I should embrace my new title here. If they so desperately want a villain to fear, I'll give them a villain to dread.'

He took the bloody heart and proceeded to draw on the dirty walls.

It said, "Hero Hunter was here. Come get me. :)"

-We've reached 15k views plus yayy :) I like how this story is going so I won't abandon it like my other one. It went in a direction I didnt really like and now I cant go back so I created a new one.