
Simultaneously, everyone spat their food and drinks from their mouth. Their waste was spewed out and scattered among the now dirty table.

Everyone was in shocked at her statement. The Hero Hunter's notoriety was at an all time high and everyone agreed. His actions such as incapacitating their teacher and the murder of multiple heroes contributed to that notoriety.

"Why would you say that! He almost killed All Might!" one of the students quietly admonished Kendo.

"Yes, I know. And I hate him for that. But he helped my little brother fend off his bullies. Do you think a villain would have done that? He also said that he was quite kind and caring." Kendo explained.

Everyone at the table quietly absorbed what Kendo had said to them.

Was this person who killed for sport actually a nice person? What is a nice person exactly? Can he be both?

"But-but he killed multiple heroes!"

Murmurs of agreement spread throughout the table. Their heads nodded and eagerly waited for Kendo's response.

"I know. But I think the other things the media said about him are false. I know my brother. He wouldn't lie. And he won't forget a face easily as well."

Uneasiness now engulfed the table. Everyone was uncomfortable with discussing this sensitive topic while on a dinner where everyone was supposed to enjoy their time.

"You know what, let's save this conversation for a later time. Let's eat!"

Denki Kaminari picked up his spoon and slurped on his broth. The delicious sounding slurp encouraged everyone to resume their eating and everyone followed suit. Itsuka Kendo pushed away those thoughts for the time being.

However, there were two people whose minds were still set on that idea. Tetsutetsu and Kirishima.

Those two had personally encountered Hero Hunter and harbored thoughts of revenge. But that statement from their schoolmate impeded those thoughts.

Thinking back hard, they both realized that Hero Hunter had greatly reduced his power against them. Granted they still felt pain, but those punches were not the same ones that sent All Might into a coma. They were not the ones that killed many heroes. Those punches were ones that carefully knocked out pubescent heroes.

But soon, they also shoved those thoughts away for another day.

After all, these ramen could not wait!

'I miss watermelons.'


Rui spent his days traversing the many cities in Japan, leaping rooftops after rooftops. His travels led him to many sights, such as many hero agencies buildings both big and small, hero schools, and multiple landmarks.

There were the Sakura trees, and the famous Eiffel tower replication. The hero schools in particular were exciting as well because there were hopeful heroes who were his future targets.

His plan now was to eradicate the world of heroes that serve no real purpose – which was a lot. Many heroes were heroes because of prestige, not because they want to save others. Off the top of his head, he could only name one. Endeavour. He does not care for the media, nor his reputation. His only care in the world seems to be saving as many people as he can.

The other heroes were self-absorbed in the media attention.

Sure, they will tell you now that they do it for the citizens, but what if the citizens start turning against them? He doubt many of them will continue being heroes.

As a result, his first plan was to eradicate those heroes.

Villains, he believed, could wait. This was because he felt that heroes were the main reason for the birth of heroes.

When heroes earn millions of dollars a year, that money is not spent on normal citizens who uphold the society by making sure it does not collapse.

When that money disappears, they have to resort to illegal activities to sustain themselves or living life broke.

But when actual genuine heroes exist, money would be no problem for the everyday citizens. Genuine heroes won't demand more money from the government and still do their job without a hitch.

That was Rui's hope for this world.


"All Might! Here! Shinji Kageyama from TV3! How will you go on about your life? Will you retire?"

All Might had appeared at a press conference a few weeks after his discharge from the hospital. This press conference was held to inform the citizens of Japan what the number one hero planned to do.

Thinking carefully and hard, All Might constructed his statement.

"I won't retire until we apprehend the Hero Hunter. That man is clearly dangerous and every second he is out in the streets, the more anxious the citizens would be. I would not stop until he is caught."

That response seemed to appease the present audience.

"Will you be able to defeat the Hero Hunter the next time?"

The question he had hoped to avoid. He himself didn't think he could beat the Hero Hunter the next time they met for the reason that he felt that the Hero Hunter was ever evolving. It was like his potential was limitless and that he could potentially be stronger than ever.

But to keep up with the PR, he lied.

"Of course. As I said before, I won't stop until that man is apprehended."

More questions were thrown and he answered politically correctly. His answers soothed the minds of the citizens and that was what he hoped.

As the Symbol of Justice, he had more to do then just defeat villains. He had to make sure everyone was at peace of their mind and to prevent the heroes the rise in villains.

The conference ended and All Might went back to his humble abode. He reverted back to his original appearance, a scrawny and small man.

He sat on his couch. He started to think about the Hero Hunter and ways to counter him. But every simulation he ran in his head seemed to not work, as the Hero Hunter always will triumph over him.

He pulled out his phone and called his trusty advisor.

"Yes Toshinori?"

"Mirai? Have you seen my conference?"

"Of course I have. You're answers are perfect in every way."

"That was not why I called."

"Then why did you?"

"I am afraid I cannot uphold my promise of defeating the Hero Hunter."

The other side was silent for a minute.

"Let's save this conversation for in person."


All Might slept in his bed like a baby. A baby who was haunted by vile nightmares.
