
'Tsk. I need to reclaim my feathers back.'

Hawks slowly descended to the roof while his feathers quickly formed his wings again. He glared impassively at the figure before him.

The Hero Hunter.

He chanced upon the infamous villain while patrolling his area. He was lucky to come across him relaxing atop the roofs, somewhere far away from the general public.

He had reviewed the recorded footage of the Hero Hunter in action. His recent battles involve some heavy damages to the surrounding structure, though that was only when the hero confronted him, which was right now.

"Hero Hunter. We meet."

Rui knew better than to let his guard down. The feathers may have not done any serious damages, there were no pierces, but they were absolutely fast. Unbelievably so.

"Yes. We meet. Hawks, right?"

"I'm flabbergasted, you know my hero name," he replied sarcastically.

'Okay, from my knowledge, he will wait and let the opponent strike first. All I have to do is take him down fast.'

Just as that thought finished, Rui dashed forward at amazing speeds.


Hawks had not expected Rui to be this quick.

Rui launched a punch right his face but Hawks managed to fly straight up. Hawks now appeared in the air, panting heavily. He was thankful that his adrenaline had spiked up when he saw Rui appear so suddenly.

'Okay, now I'm in the air. I should relax.'

For Rui, this was no problem. Thought he may not be able to fly, he could force Hawks to come down. Rui lifted his feet up and brought it down with the force of an elephant. Rubble jumped into the sky where Rui proceeded to kick it towards Hawks.

The rubble shot up towards Hawks who dodged rather easily.

'Huh, not that fast.'

But while the rubble travelled towards him, his vision was impaired. He looked down only to find Rui not there.

He hadn't had much time to think about it as he felt a heavy blow to his head that sent him flying down like a plane whose engine busted.

While the rubble blocked his vision and diverted his attention, Rui swapped positions with the rubble that was now behind him and sent a kick to his head.

Hawks had now crashed into the roof, blood gushing out his head and lips. Rui landed gracefully to the ground with the intent to land a finishing blow when he felt a surging feeling of heat tickling his cheek.

He turned to the right and saw a ball of fire coming straight for him. He retreated back to avoid the fire only to have another surge of fire shot at him. He continued dodging the fire until it stops a few blocks back.

He returned back to the original roof to find the man he decided to not mess with. Endeavour.

He was holding up an injured Hawks. With no intent to fight Endeavour who had arrived at the scene, he wanted to head back.

"Who said you could leave?"

But that held him back.

He turned back around to find a perfectly standing Hawks and Endeavour. They were the de facto first and second ranked heroes in Japan while All Might was out of commission.

Deep in his heart, he was wholly pleased. It meant that a tag team of the strongest two heroes available had come here to defeat him, which attributed to his infamy. He was glad that the society felt the need to do this because he was that dangerous. He doubt many others had this privilege.

"The Hero Hunter, this is for the heroes you have killed!"

Endeavour flew his way there using the flame as jet propellers. He threw a punch but that was blocked and Rui used water flowing rock smashing fist to return the punch at twice the power.

Endeavour was sent backwards but Hawks took this time to send a flurry of feathers at Rui who got caught off guard.

Some of the feathers managed to pierce him, but he quickly swapped places with Endeavour. It was now time Hawks turn to be caught off guard. The feathers now pierced and already injured bleeding Endeavour.

He groaned in pain when the feather stuck inside him, piercing the muscles he spent years honing.

"Shit!" Hawks exclaimed.

He searched all around the roof but Rui was nowhere to be found.

Hawks finally found Rui battling it out with Endeavour who had recovered quickly from that setback.

A barrage of punches were mailed between the two with Rui returning it to the sender. Endeavour's injuries worsen. Rui was purposefully targeting the places where the feathers pierced him. He finally dropped to his knees.

On his knees, his abdomen was fully exposed which left Rui taking advantage of it to the full.

He striked the abdomen with this palm while simultaneously twisting it. That created the effect of rearranging his organs inside while also dealing incredible damage. (Kuroko Tetsuya Ignite Kai)

Endeavour was once again sent flying backwards while spitting out blood.

Seeing his idol being manhandled made his blood boil. Unable to bear it any longer, Hawks dashed to Rui.

He dived down swiftly to crash into Rui. But he let his emotions get the best of him, and he had forgone any and all tactics he had collected during his initial scuffle.

He had forgotten that Rui can swap places with anyone.

Rui swapped places with Hawks while he was still diving down swiftly. That led to Hawks unable to stop himself before he ate the floor. His landing left a big crater on the floor.

Rui inspected both heroes from where they lay. He could not sense that any of them were conscious. Satisfied, he finally plopped to the ground, where he panted heavily.

His tongue was out like a dog, begging for water.

He had not such an interesting and exhilarating fight in his lifetime. Every single moment, he was forced to be on edge as the next attack came immediately after the next leaving no time for him to rest.

He had to continually improvise during the fight because their teamwork was so coordinated and they had honestly covered all sides. In his heart, he admitted that if he were to lose focus for even one second, he might have been pummeled.

He enjoyed this fight. The only complaint might be because he had to fight Endeavour, the one hero her truly believed deserved that title.


reupload because i am dumb lool. this is the correct seuqence. i only figured it out due to some comments haha. thank you for telling me 👏🏻 THANK YOU Private_Lancelot and Spirits_Everywhere