Rendezvous: Forest (III).

The classes are at hard at work in improving their quirks.

In class 1-A's case, they may have grown technically, their quirks are still as weak as they were during the first days of school. This was confirmed when Bakugou was asked to throw a softball, and it landed at the 700 meter mark, around the same as when he first threw it.

The class collectively agreed that their quirks needed more training, and thus under the guidance of the Pussycats and Aizawa, they underwent quirk training.

In 1-B's case, they started a bit later, mainly because their route to their base was a bit longer and the obstacles were much more dangerous – more beasts and more traps – thus needing more rest.

Itsuka woke up to the sound of an explosion outside her window. She jolted up and looked outside. To her surprise, it was nothing dangerous and was just Bakugou using his quirk.

The rest of 1-B grouped up at the hall and soon, they too underwent their quirk training.

Everyone had their specialized quirk training. The most notable ones are Monoma where he learnt close quarter combat so he could defend himself in the case of not having any quirks.

Everything went smoothly.


"We must make sure everything goes smoothly. So I'll go through everything again."

Tomura gathered the now called "Vanguard Action Squad" at his office table. He wanted to make sure every one understood their assignments and where they should alight.

"Dabi, you're over here.' He pointed to a spot on the map. 'here is where there is more trees, so I want you to burn as much things as possible."

Dabi grunted in response.

"Stain, Muscular, both of you are here. Here are where the cabins are, and since its night when we attack, the kids should be asleep. You know what to do."

"You three.' He pointed at Spinner, Magne, and Moonfish. 'this is where the cabins for the heroes are. Do whatever it is you do."

"Toga, you back up Dabi and support whenever needed. Compress is with the students' cabin for back up and Mustard for the heroes."

"Call Twice on the headset if need extra assistance."

All of them nodded their heads with a tired face. This had been the fifth time they had to listen Tomura telling them his plan, it was starting to get annoying.

The first part of plan was to teleport everyone at one point hundreds of meters away from the actual camp. The reason for this was to ensure they do not set off any sort alarms. They had gotten past the one at U.S.J, but there was nothing to say they did not beef up any security measures.

From there on, they all will spread out and complete their assignments.

Kurogiri and Tomura will not participate for they said they had to deal with the Yakuza, when in reality, Tomura wanted to preserve himself as much as possible. His boss had told himself to for whatever reason he could not comprehend.

But after his previous incident where he did not obey his boss, he sought to follow his every word.

The team was set to depart in two hours' time, so they took the rest of the time relaxing in the bar.

They weren't apprehensive, this was something they do regularly, even more so ever since they joined the League. They had no reason to be scared, they were the top members in the League who had caused may problems for heroes.

Yet, there was a gloomy feeling swirling in them. It was more of an itch than a scary feeling, but that itch was persistent. It was weak, but very noticeable.

It was almost as if there was something terribly wrong that was going to happen.

But they ignored that feeling as it was time to go.


Rui arrived at the forest tops by the time it was nightfall. The branches were surprisingly very sturdy to withstand his body.

He peered through the greenery of the trees and with the help of his amazing sense of sight, he saw a group of students having dinner.

He breathed a sigh of relief for he was not late.

He perused the whole forest, or at least the radius around the camp. he carefully scouted the area, trying to spot any abnormal circumstance.

Finally, after an hour of careful inspecting, he spotted a familiar purple mist swirling many hundred of meters away.


He careened to that spot and waited in nearby branches, careful not to make a noise.

Out of the purple mist, he saw his former roommate, Dabi, Stain, Twice, and a few others he did not recognize. And Muscular. Oh how he longed to meet Muscular again. He wondered how he'd fair now against him.

He waited until Kurogiri disappeared before descending from the branches. He slowly strutted to the group. The first one to spot him was one of the members he did not recognize.

"Who are you?" Mustard asked.

The group turned their heads to look at who Mustard was talking to. Half of the faces was in shock, while the other half was filled with confusion.

"Rui. We meet again." Dabi calmly but cautiously stated.

"Yes. I see you have new members."

Then, the other members recognized him.

"Ahh, the Hero Hunter! Is he here to help us?" Mr. Compress innocently asked.

"I doubt so. What are you doing here?" Dabi asked.

"Why should I tell you? Glad to see you here Muscular." He turned to face Muscular who was standing still.

Resolve was written all over Muscular's face. He would have to face Rui again and this time, he did not want to cowardly drop to his knees. That memory was especially infuriating for the man who prided himself as strong. It was very much the opposite of strong.

Both parties stared at one another with poker faces, unheard of for Toga.

Both were unwilling to make a move until someone made the first move.