Rendezvous: Forest FINALE.

Muscular slowly opened his eyes. He could not reason with himself why he was on the ground. His memories of this day was muddled beyond comprehension.

He brought himself up and dusted his arms. Then, a sharp pain hit his mind. He grabbed his head with a sudden jerk of his hand. Slowly, the reason why he was lying on the ground came back to him.

He remembered beating up Rui, then subsequently getting beaten up himself. His movements became constricted, and he could not move a muscle. Then he passed out.

'Passed out. Passed out!'

The realization dawned on him. He was out of commission for a unspecified amount of time. Did the raid went well? What of Rui?

He spun himself, and he saw the dead bodies of two of his teammates. The corpses void of any life stayed rigid on the floor like logs.

He looked around some more hoping to find more of his team.

"Looking for somebody?"

The familiar voice rang through his heart and sprouted saplings of fear.

Rui was leaning next to a tree and called out Muscular. Muscular spun his body and saw the owner of the wretched voice.

'He-he killed them all.'

Doubt began to spread through his body. Before him was no mere mortal. It was a monster.

"If you're wondering about the other members… they escaped. Unfortunately. That only means they have delayed their inevitable deaths."

Muscular was not worries about that bit. Honestly, he couldn't care less for his teammates. He was just here because he had to. Tomura's orders. His teammates were nothing else than extra help.

What he was worried however, was why and how Rui managed to hold his own against ten top tier villains while under the effects of a sleeping gas, and somehow come out on top. The other members had to escape? That meant they could not defeat him and fled. Two members dead? Adds to his monstrosity.

"Well I'm going to kill you now, hope you'll do something~" Rui said as he slowly put one foot in front of the other in the direction of Muscular.

How could he defeat this monster!? He was essentially playing around in the beginning of the fight, and only got serious once the sleeping gas took effect!

"Really, you have got to do something you know~"

Muscular looked to the ground in a fit of despair. Is this how he was going to die? In a field and a failed mission? He could not imagine this will be how he would die. He dreamt of dying by fighting unbelievably strong opponents. But this was no fight. It was merely a child playing with his toys.

"Muscular, look up."

Muscular looked up and saw the face of his executer. It was like the same back when he first faced Rui at the bar. He, the tall and big man, looking up to the shorter and smaller boy. It was the bar incident all over again.

His eyes did not even shed a tear even though he knew this was his demise. His eyes felt that he did not deserve tears of pity to be used. He was a murder without remorse. This was a death befitting of his sins. No pity, no tears, no chance at redemption.

Rui raised his hands in a claw-like manner and swiped his head off.

The headless body flopped to the ground, and the blood from the neck splattered on Rui's legs.



Vlad King was overseeing the training of the late night supper of the students when his acute battle senses activated. It was a subtle nudge to his heart to inspect the area far away from here.

He signed to Aizawa that he was going to check something out. He quickly sprinted to where the battles sense led him to. It must be a few minutes before he finally reached the place. He knew he reached the place when the retching smell of blood invaded his nose. Even for him, the Blood Hero, could not handle the amount of blood from here.

He walked past the stench and the sight almost made him hurl what he just ate for dinner.

He whipped out his phone and wanted to call Aizawa but decided against it.

'He should be with the kids. They need to be safe.'

He instead called the Hero Safety Public Commission. This seemed like the job for them to deal with.


Long were the days of sleeping on rooftops. After the fight, Rui was travelling back when he came across an old building in a run down city. It looked abandoned and dusty, with no abundance of tenants. It was ran by an old couple, who seemed nice and kind.

The perfect place for the on run villain.

Rui, betting his luck on the fact that the couple were senile, approached the old couple in hope of having a room.

"Hello? Could I have a room?"

"Oh why yes, yes. Come in! I'll get you a room," the wife responded.

He grinned, as the woman did not recognize him.

He only had to sign a few contracts, and have tea with the wife and husband before being able have his own apartment.

The room came furnished with mattress and a television. There was running water, and electricity. It was much better than he expected from a place ran by an old couple.

Rui even opted to sweep the building to show his appreciation to the couple who accepted him in without a hitch.

Now he had to find a legal source of income that doesn't require education to pay his rent.

He wondered, who would legally hire a wanted villain?

Many jobs entered his mind but left just as quickly.

Cleaners, staff at restaurants, even small shop workers.

All of them either were too public, led him to getting caught, or needed an interview to show his face.

This seemingly menial task was too exhausting for him.

He decided to take a rest and leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow him.

I may or may not be able to update daily now, seeing as exams and school are back. But I will try.