The television is static, but a few words were being spoken from it.
"I will be out soon… sit still and wait for my arrival Tomura."
The television blackened, and Tomura is left alone with Kurogiri in the office. They both stood still in silence with no words spoken between them.
"Kurogiri, do you know what this means?"
"Not exactly."
"Teacher is coming back. That means the end of All Might is imminent."
"Yes, but why do sound so unhappy."
"The real danger isn't All Might now, its Rui."
His hands were on his face while he slouched on the chair. His movements were sharp yet slow.
"But isn't the end of All Might what you sought for?" Kurogiri questioned.
"Yes! For fucks sake yes!' Tomura spat back, 'but now we have a bigger pest to deal with! That man always said he'll deal with Rui sooner or later but he never does! And its getting on my nerves!...even if All Might is dead, our goal will still be stopped by him."
Kurogiri stayed silent, not wanting to input his thoughts into it fearing he may anger Tomura further.
"You saw how he took out three of our elites?"
Tomura didn't feel the need to continue the conversation, so he walked out the office. Kurogiri followed suit.
'What is he going to do now?'
Kurogiri has always been fond of Tomura ever since he was tasked by him to do so. It had been a great ride growing up with Tomura since he was an irritable teenager and now to a dependable and mature man. But this few days had been different for Tomura.
He was getting too prideful. Too, too prideful. No longer were the days of Tomura obeying every single command given by his teacher. Just now, he was complaining that he was too slow and was irritated.
He could not figure out if that was a good thing, meaning learning how to think for himself rather than follow blindly, or a bad thing, meaning he was disobeying his command instead.
Then, he recalled the words given to him by All For One.
'All I want for Tomura is for him to grow.'
He didn't knew what it meant by grow. Grow physically? Mentally? Grow out of the need for a teacher?
There were so many ways to 'grow'!
He could only hope Tomura was growing correctly.
Rui was sleeping in his room. A thunder struck and briefly woke him up from his deep slumber.
"Damn thunder. Let me sleep!"
The thunder seemingly heard him and like a twelve year old boy, did exactly the opposite of what was expected.
The thunder struck a second time, only louder. The thunder had activated the sirens of some cars, which contributed to the already loud noise.
Rui groaned and moaned. He covered his ears with the pillow but the sound was still too much. Then, to add salt to the wound, rain started pouring.
He took a deep breath and concluded that he won't be going back to sleep any time soon because he was already wide awake. He sat by the bed with his head hung down and hands by the side.
Ironically, he found this time to be the perfect time to take a walk. Despite being a 'wake-a-man-upper' thunder did not bother him.
He took his shoes and an umbrella from the receptionist office and headed out. The yellow umbrella was big enough that it shielded every inch of him – and an extra hypothetical person – from the rain.
He walked around the city aimlessly, with the goal of exploring every nook and cranny this new city had to offer him. The only time he went out was to apprehend rogue heroes that usually operated out of the city. There was only a slight chance he could come across the petty criminal in this city.
The only light emanating the lonely street was from twenty-four hours convenience stores, and even that was empty apart from the staff
This isolation was oddly comforting.
This time, it was just one of those feelings. Where the sounds of the raindrops that roar over everything else seemed to be silent, and he was floating in endless cloud of fluffy cotton candy. Cool and warm graced his body in all the right places, and his nerves seemed to shut down.
He was enjoying every single second of this seemingly never ending feeling. But all good things come to an end, and its end was due to a shout.
He was slowly descending back to the wet pavement, and a frown formed on his face. The feeling dissipated as quickly as it came, and was rare as gold so he didn't know where it may appear again.
He walked to the scene of the crime where he saw a man trying force himself upon a lady in the alley.
'Damned alleys. Why do you have to be a hotspot for crime?'
He walked up to the side of the entrance where he made his presence known by announcing it to the perpetrator.
The man's face turned quickly to see a figure standing straight. But it was dark, so the shadow loomed over the figure's face and he couldn't see a thing.
Thinking it was a random passerby with a hero complex, he wanted to scare him with his knife. But lightning came at the right time.
The sudden short flash that illuminated the figure's face was enough reason for the criminal to drop his knife. The face, though he hadn't seen before, was all over the internet, and was infamous.
He quickly ran away to the other side. The lady dropped to the ground, exhausted and traumatized by the experience. Her mind was in shambles and hadn't had time to recognize Rui. Her hands and feet were trembling.
Not adamant on the criminal running away, he picked up the knife and threw it straight into his head. The man dropped dead.
'Sometimes, I wonder if I do enough.'
'Crime still happens, and rogue heroes still appear now and then.'
'Where do I stand in this wretched world?'
'I was always say I'll kill all villains and get rid of the rogue heroes. But I know deep down, I can never get rid of them completely, forever.'
It was clear where he stood back home in the other world. He stood wherever Garou did, and that was fine for him. But there was no Garou here. It was just him, and him over here.
He took a deep breath.
A tear fell from his eye.
hi, trying to right a sentimental chapter here, nothing fancy lol