Back To The Future.

Giran's face stared right back at him.

"So, are you ready for your first task?"

First task…

First task…

Giran was impatiently waiting for an answer from Rui. But Rui was not intending on answering the question. Instead, he was soaking in the atmosphere and slowly getting the hang of living in the past.

The past had a stench, almost reeking of foul odor. Almost like Rui was not supposed to be here and the past is actively kicking him out.

Giran attempted to grab Rui by the shoulders to shake him out of his daze, but he had not even moved an inch when his hand was stopped.

"Don't touch me. And yes I'm ready"

Giran ignored the bruise on his hand and gave Rui the information.

A photo, name, quirk, address and a short biography appeared on a holograph. Rui stared at the photo and smiled. It really was the first day. But his senses tingled. It seemed off. Almost as if a man had photoshopped an extra eyelid onto there.

That's when he realised, that the shade of blue on the half-shark half-man was a shade lighter than usual. That rang a bell in his mind.

The past, slightly altered can be a huge change in the future. What change did future amend from the past for the present present to be different from the past different?

'The other kings, King. Don't forget about the reason you went back in time.'

Ah yes, the kings. Entities who will hopefully get the battle Rui deserves. Rui smiled gleefully.

Giran just thought that this young boy smiled because he'll finally get a huge pay.

Little did he know, Giran won't even offer anywhere near the right amount to him.


Rui found himself peering into the glass dome once again. And again he noticed weird tweaks from the ones he remembered. Firstly, the amount of villains seemed to have decreased. Has the League not been recruiting well?

Secondly, he saw his beloved teammates. Ex-teammates.



Mr. Compress


And the blue haired little child grownup.

Oh and the teleporter.

He noticed his target when he first arrived, but waited to pursue him. He focused all his attention on the other side firstly. The heroes and students. Their number stayed relatively the same, but this time All Might is here.

'All Might… did he change?'

This All Might seemed to be healthier. Seemed to be fit with all his organs intact.

The fight started, and Rui watched with bored eyes. His eyes darted throughout the whole dome in search of an exciting fight. But he knew that with his newfound fighting ability, defeating them all, even All Might, would be like child's play.

Furthermore, a feeling residing deep inside him proved inimical to his urge meddle in the fight. He figured that it must have something to do with the 'kings' thing.

And like he predicted, a shooting star came from above at the speed of light.


A rookie. I got a fucking rookie for my fifteenth fight. I am a veteran King and they matched me up with a rookie, and it seems his planet's level is only fifteen. I have defeated Kings whose planet's levels are three times that.

This King better be an outlier and worth my time.

My shooting star slowly (at the speed of light) approached what looked like to be a glass dome. At least we'll get a proper stadium and not the streets like the last few. Disgusting filth was the only opponent I had trouble with.

I landed on the ground, and to my surprise saw a bunch of kids and adults playfighting. But they stopped to look at me.

I don't think these guys are Kings. They exude neither the aura, nor the typical appearance of a King.

Had the rookie placed an illusion? They are my worst opponents.

But it looks like they haven't when my eyes slowly guided itself to a teenager whose Kingly aura surrounded himself only.

Looks like this rookie isn't too shabby.


His eyes, purple

His hair, purple

His clothes, purple

And his Kingly Aura?


Grimace from McDonald's must be my opponent.

He beckoned me to approach him with a menacing glare that screamed 'I'm all ready'.

I followed his hand and approached him slowly. He must be the strongest person I have fought ever since I switched worlds.

This is definitely exciting.


"Looks like the rookie ain't too shabby huh?" Anggar said.

"Rookie? Damn you must be old then. Hope you can give me the fight I've been yearning for though!"

At that point of time, the two sides who were about to wage war stood still. Eyes focused on both intruders. Their eyes spoke of nothing and everything at the same time.

What exactly was going on? Who were they? Why do they seem so strong?

Then, the purple looking man spoke.

"It's to the death alright rookie? When I win, I get control of this world of yours, thought I might not really need it."

Eyes widened. Mouth agape. Izuku Midoriya could not believe what he heard.

'C-c-control the world!?'

What were they two talking about?

'Alright sure old man'

Then the two disappeared. Not even a speck of dust from any of them. Seconds later, multiple sonic booms banged their eardrums in succession and they grabbed onto them as if they were running away.

Ears bled and eyes closed, everyone slowly opened their eyes and the ringing gradually disappeared. To their horror, what they saw should not be seen by any eyes, let alone children.

A man donned in all purple kneeling. Bloodied, bruised up, and breathing heavily with multiple mangled dead bodies of villains behind him.

Opposite him, a disappointed boy. But then, his face grew a smile, which turned into laughter, which turned into a hysterical grin.

"You bloody shooting star. Could have killed me right then and there but you were a bit too slow.

But you were definitely the fight I needed. You just managed to slip a little in the end."

Izuku didn't think his message managed to reach the ears of the bloodied purple man whose body eventually flopped to the ground.


Rui smiled. The fight was pretty much alright. The best he had, lacked a little something, but honestly, it was what he needed to accustom to his new skills consciously.

He turned and readied to leave, not before slicing the head of his target whose blood spilled nearby.

He left, and only silence filled the dome. No one spoke a thing. No one heard a thing.

No one



Rui heard the entity speak in his mind.

'What happens now?' Rui enquired.

'What happens now? Now other Kings will come and vie for your planet! The more you defeat, the more opponents will come and acquire your planet! The more you win, the more prestige you get and the more powerful I become! Picking you has been the best choice I have made!'

At that moment, all the Kings present heard of the rookie who defeated Anggar. The King who fought fifteen thousand fights had lost to a rookie.

Interests piqued, more people set their sights to conquer Rui's planet.
