Chapter 8: Strand


The tingling sensation in Ellie’s stomach was growing by the moment as the day of the tournament loomed closer and closer. Trying to get work done at her desk was nearly impossible, especially the day before the Alphas were set to arrive. The distant sound of hammering had been a constant reminder that her father was constructing his masterpiece in the clearing. Even though it seemed as if there couldn’t be one more thing to do, Michael kept finding new projects. She’d be looking forward to the tournament starting just so the hammering would stop.

The stack of RSVPs stacked on the corner of her desk also drew her attention away from her work. Most of what she needed to get done that day she could do on autopilot. Approving expenditures, looking over the reports from the trainers, requests from the wolves assigned patrol to switch shifts or take a certain time off. She didn’t do anything with most of these things, letting her subordinates handle it for the majority. But she still needed to be kept aware. Still, those tiny white envelopes may as well have eyes, the way they drew her attention away from her work.

All six of the Alphas had said yes. All six of the men that had been invited to come to Swift Wolf Pack territory and compete for her hand had agreed. It was both terrifying and enchanting at the same time, and no matter how many times Ellie told herself not to think about it, to just put the entire ordeal out of her mind, it was impossible.

She hadn’t met most of the Alphas, only a couple, but she had spoken to all of them on the phone and had ideas of what each of them looked like. She wasn’t the type of person to use social media to stalk people. She hadn’t searched for anyone’s pictures or tried to find out who was a good son or who might forget to put the seat down. The idea that she would likely be married to one of these men in a little over a week was unbelievable to her. How much would her life change?

“Will this still be my desk?” she wondered aloud.

Ellie shook her head and scratched the back of her head absently. They’d have to figure out all of the little details of running to packs. Would they integrate or stay separate? Where would they live? Would he even want to live with her, or would this be a marriage in name only?

Part of her hoped that would be the case, that he would stay in his respective pack lands, and she would stay in her own. They would work together to make sure all of the citizens of both of their packs were well taken care of and provided for, acting in the interest of both packs equally, but as far as a relationship… she didn’t expect anything personal.

“Hey!” Shelby’s perky voice drew Ellie’s eyes from the envelopes to the door where her best friend was breezing into the room. “How are you?”

“Okay,” Ellie said, forcing a smile. “How are you? And Caarrrlll?” Ellie winked at her friend, not really wanting to hear more about this perfect guy but glad to have a distraction.

Shelby’s face brightened up. “He’s amazing. So great. Anyway, I just wanted to see how you’re feeling.”

“I’m all right.” Shelby sat down across from her. “Just... wondering how this is all going to go.”

Shelby’s smile was encouraging. “I’m sure it’ll be great. Who knows? This time tomorrow, you might be falling in love with your soon-to-be husband.” Her friend’s eyes took on a dreamy glaze as Ellie tried not to laugh.

“Or… I could be meeting six arrogant jerks, none of which are even remotely attractive to me.”

Shelby scoffed. “That won’t happen. Although… have you thought about what might happen if you do connect with one of them, but he’s not the one that wins?”

The idea hadn’t even crossed Ellie’s mind. She’d been so busy thinking about how to handle it if she didn’t like any of them. What if she developed feelings for one Alpha, but another one was declared the winner, and she had to marry him? A flicker of panic set in before she pushed it away. What were the chances of her liking any of them? Not good. “I’m sure that won’t happen.”

Shelby didn’t look so convinced. “Well, whatever happens, I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun to watch.” She winked, and Ellie glared at her before they both started giggling.

A barrage of footsteps on the stairs and then the porch got both of them to stop laughing and turn their heads in that direction as Hans pulled the office door open. “Luna Ellie! One of your gentlemen callers is here!”

“What?” Ellie said, her mouth falling open. “But… it’s only Thursday. They aren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow.”

Cane’s head appeared over Hans’s shoulder. “Apparently, Strand Hanson of the Running Wolf Pack can’t read a calendar.”

Ellie dropped her head, thumping her forehead on her desk and not even caring that it smarted a little. She took a few deep breaths as the boys came through the door and then looked up to meet their eyes. “Where is he now?”

Seth, the third musketeer, answered, “Beta Andrew is helping him unpack his luggage and move it into one of the guest houses.”

“How much luggage does he have?” Ellie asked, bewildered.

“A lot,” Hans said, his eyes like saucers as he gestured, implying stacks and stacks of suitcases.

“Goddess help me,” Ellie mumbled.

“Too late for that.” Shelby winked at her, and Ellie considered reaching across the desk to smack her friend, but she knew what she’d said was true. If she’d asked the Moon Goddess to bring her fated match, perhaps they wouldn’t be doing any of this--not that she believed in much of that legendary stuff anymore.

Ellie pushed back her chair and stood. “Guess I’ll go say hello.”

“Can we come?” Cane asked.

“Yeah, we gotta make sure he knows he’d better treat you right… or else,” Seth chimed in.

“Are you kidding me? That guy is bigger than the three of us combined,” Hans reminded his best friends. “If he wants to be rude to Ellie, she’s on her own.”

Ellie had come around the desk by then and gave him a playful shove, catching him off balance and sending him tipping into the wall. They all laughed, and she knew Hans was joking. As overly protective as her father was, it was these three misguided suitors that she would have to worry about.

It only took a few minutes for them to walk to the guest house where they saw Beta Andrew and a bunch of people Ellie didn’t recognize unloading suitcases from a large SUV. Two more cars were parked nearby. While she’d said the Alphas could bring guests, she hadn’t expected anyone to bring quite this large of an entourage. She wondered if Alpha Strand had left any of his packmates at home or if they’d all come along.

“That one needs to go in the closet,” a large, handsome, muscular man with dark hair slicked back in a ponytail was saying. “Be careful with my suits!”

“Ah, Luna Ellie,” Andrew said, his lips drawn into a straight line of frustration. “It’s so nice to see you.”

Before Strand turned around, she mouthed the word, “Sorry,” to her Beta, knowing he had better things to do than unload luggage. Then, Strand turned and looked into her eyes. He came at her swiftly, an impassioned look on his face as he reached for her hand.

“Luna Ellie, it is a great pleasure to finally meet you,” he said, lifting the back of her hand and placing a kiss on her knuckles. “I’m Strand Hanson of the Crying Wolf Pack.” He lowered her hand and looked into her eyes. “Your future husband.”

Ellie had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing, he looked so sure of himself. “I guess we’ll see about that,” she said. The confident look on his face didn’t waver. “It’s nice to meet you, Alpha Strand, and we’re glad you’re here. Did we accidentally give you the wrong date?”

“No, no, I understand that the invitation said to arrive tomorrow, but I like to be punctual.”

By punctual, Ellie had to assume he meant early--way early. “Well, please make yourself at home, and let us know if you need anything. I have a few things to finish up before the activities begin tomorrow, but--”

“Perhaps you’ll have time to join me for dinner?” he asked, his eyebrows arched over his dark eyes.

“Oh, uh, I already promised my father I’d have dinner with him tonight so we can talk about the final arrangements.”

Strand’s face fell. Was that why he’d come early? To try to get her to himself before the others arrived? She began to wonder if he realized that she wouldn’t be choosing the winner--that it would be based on merit. And fate.

“All right then. Perhaps I’ll see you later on this evening, then?”

Ellie smiled, deciding it was best to be polite. What if this was the guy who won and she had to marry him? That queasy feeling was back full force. “Sure. That would be great.” It was a lie, but then, this entire tournament was built on a lie, wasn’t it? The lie that she wanted to get married?

Ellie took a deep breath and stepped away, her three “little brothers” joining in behind her as she headed over to talk to her dad. Maybe there was still time to call this off….