Chapter 48: Last Minute Jitters


The sun was shining brightly as Ellie made her way from her house to the glade. She decided to walk, even though Shelby was terrified she’d get her dress muddy. She’d be fine. The train wasn’t that long, and she needed the fresh air.

Her mind was swimming with worries. Everything from whether or not she would remember what she was supposed to say and when she was supposed to say it to whether River would want to have their marking ceremony that night or wait. She was a mess. Thankfully, her bouquet was big enough that it covered her shaking hands. She grasped it tightly and carried it in front of her chest so maybe no one would see her heart beating against her ribcage.

They had made it to the cabins near the meadow when she saw a familiar form coming toward them. Ellie couldn’t help but smile at how handsome Ulysses looked in his suit. “Wow! Look at you!” he exclaimed, coming at her with his large arms open wide.