Chapter 121 The Best Man


Waiting with Ulysses for Sylvia to arrive at the wedding site was more stressful than River expected it to be. He’d known Ulysses for a long time, but he’d never really thought of him as a friend until recently. Now, watching the groom pace back and forth near the altar where his bride would be arriving eventually was making River nervous for him.

“She’s late,” Ulysses was muttering. The priestess was standing nearby, but she wasn’t paying any attention, and the guests who were waiting patiently on log benches were mostly chatting amongst themselves, not listening to the groom or his best man.

“The bride is always late,” River reminded him, patting him reassuringly on the shoulder.

“That’s true,” Ulysses said, sucking in a deep breath and blowing it out. “But… it’s still nerve-wracking.”

“Isn’t Sylvia always late, too?” River asked. Ulysses nodded. “So… put those two things together and she’s bound to be extra late. She’ll be here.”