Chapter 124: Answers


Leaving Ellie that morning had been uncomfortable, to say the least. It seemed like she wasn’t feeling well at all, and even though she refused to acknowledge that fact, he was worried. She didn’t get sick very often–for that matter, most shifters didn’t get sick very often, but she got sick even less often than most from what he’d heard–and he was worried that something was wrong.

He sat behind his desk in the office looking over some paperwork that had been filed while he was away in his own pack tending to business there. His mind wouldn’t stay focused on the documents in front of him, though. Every time he picked up a piece of paper, his mind wandered back to Ellie. Was she really okay? What if she wasn’t? What if there was something seriously wrong with her? He couldn’t bear to think about what might happen if something was wrong with Ellie.