Mind Blowing Kiss

Sarah squeezed her eyes shut for a second. Shit. She didn't want to tell him about that. Why hadn't she just said yes when he asked her if Jesse was a friend? She'd hardly expected to be talking to Angel again. And not like this.

"It was a long time ago." She thought she felt him suck in a breath, and he was quiet for a second.

"What was a long time ago? "She braced herself, not knowing how he'd feel about her after she told him. But it was in the past, so what did it matter? She turned around, but he never let go of the fence, so she was still in his arms, so to speak. His eyes seemed darker somehow. He looked straight at her, waiting.

"Nothing really," she said. "I met him a few summers ago when I came out to visit my aunt, and we hung out one night."

"Was he your boyfriend?" Angel eyes were still fixed on hers.

She shook her head. "No."

"You still hang out with him?"

"Nope, he's still asking me out, but I'm not interested."

"Good," Angel said. "He's an asshole."

Sarah's eyebrow's shot up. "You know him?"

"Yeah." If distaste was an expression, he wore it on his lips unabashed. "We've gone to school together since we were kids, but I've never liked him. He's always been a whiny little bitch. Didn't think I could like him any less, until now."

Valerie had always gone on about how intense the Moreno brothers were. She'd told Sarah about how protective they were with their younger sister. Sarah felt his protectiveness earlier when he refused to leave her side at the party, but this was different. She could feel something: an intensity she'd never felt before from anyone. It made her a little nervous, made her stomach tighten up, but in a weird way, she liked it.

"I'm assuming then, since you're here with me, you don't have a boyfriend?"

Her heart at her throat, she shook her head slowly. "No, I don't."

She was dreaming. She had to be. Did he really just ask her if she had a boyfriend? Did Angel honestly care?

He dropped his hands from the fence and placed them around her waist. With her heart pounding against her chest now, she gulped, wondering if he could hear it. "Can I kiss you?" he whispered.

She nodded, unable to speak. Then his lips were on hers. They were soft and warm. His tongue traced her lips lightly. and he began to explore her mouth slowly, softly. He tightened his hug around her waist with one arm and brought the other one up to her face. With a silky-smooth caress to her face, his hand started around and down her neck, pulling her closer to him.

His body was big and strong against hers. His tongue began to move faster, and he pressed against her, suckling her lips and tongue. She'd been kissed before, but never like this, never with so much passion.

It was too much. She felt him when he pressed against her thigh, and she panicked. She pulled away and heard him groan, burying his face in her hair.

Caressing his back one last time, she could still feel his heavy breathing as she moved her body away from his gently. She looked up just as he was opening his eyes.

"Can we go sit? My feet are hurting."

He took a couple of deep breaths before answering. "Sure," he glanced down at her shoes, "I forgot .... They're nice. I like 'em."

They walked over to a stone bench that was part of a huge rock planter with a palm tree in the middle. She sat down, and he motioned for her to move further back. She did, and he sat next to her and turned her around, so she was facing him.

"Lean back." He picked up her legs and pulled them on his lap, inches away from the tent in his pants.

Wide-eyed, she stared for a second, and wondered what he had planned. She watched him pull off her shoes and was about to protest, when his strong fingers began massaging her aching feet.

"Mmm, that feels so good." She let her head fall back, wondering if he did this with all the other girls he went out with and if they'd all been treated to such a heart-stopping kiss. She lifted her head back up and saw his eyes swallow her up.

"Your feet are so small."

She looked down at her feet and wiggled her toes. Then she glanced down at his. They were huge. She started to giggle. "Well, compared to yours, they are."

His expression hadn't changed. "I love your smile."

Her smile disappeared in reaction to his compliment. "Thanks, I like yours too. As a matter of fact, that was one of the first things I noticed about you."

His eyebrows shot up curiously. "Really? Tonight?"

"Oh, no," she said. "Two summers ago, the first time I saw you."Now he looked really interested. "You saw me two summers ago?"

"Yup, same summer I hung out with Jesse." Damn why did she bring that up again?

He stared at her, half frowning. "You went out with him and not me?" He teased.

"He asked—you didn't."

A look of disappointment flashed across his face. "I'm sorry, I don't remember seeing you."

Sarah smiled. "Don't worry. I can be pretty invisible."

Angel seemed almost annoyed. "You're anything but invisible." He paused for a moment, and then as if he just remembered something, "So, you said you're from Arizona. When'd you move out here?"

Sarah straightened up a little, suddenly feeling uneasy. She hadn't prepared herself to talk about her circumstances. Since she didn't plan on making any friends, she didn't think she'd be put in a position to explain something so personal to anyone, especially not Angel Moreno.

"I haven't exactly moved here. It's just temporary."

"Really? 'Til when?"

"I'm only here for the semester, then I'll go back to finish up my senior year at my school in Flagstaff." She glanced at him and then away, hoping they could get on another subject. But he kept on.

"So, why are you here for this semester?"

She was never good at lying, so making something elaborate up was out of the question. If he ever asked her about it again, she'd probably forget and mix everything all up. Even a very short version of the truth was uncomfortable. She looked out into the ocean, not wanting to see his expression when she told him. "It's kind of a long story. "

"We've got time," he said.

Sarah was silent for a second. "My mom has some problems she needs to iron out, and I have to stay with my aunt now. My best friend's family offered to let me stay with them, so I could finish out my senior year at my own school, but my mom refused, so I'm here now. But once I turn eighteen this winter, she can't stop me from going back."

He looked at her, eyes full of questions, and she prayed none of them were about her mom. She really didn't feel like discussing that part of her life with him—with anyone.

"Does your aunt know you plan on leaving?"

"No, I haven't told her. I know she won't want me to, but Sydney and Sydney's parents are the closest thing I've ever had to family besides my mom. I have to go back. Sydney's waiting." She held her chin a bit higher.

Sarah noticed how intently Angel watched her when she spoke, as if he didn't want to miss a word.

"Besides, I've never really been close to my aunt. We only started visiting her about two years ago when she and my mom finally started speaking to each other again. Even then, it was only once or twice a year." She shook her head, looking away. "I'd rather be in Flagstaff. It's where I belong."

Angel's expression had changed. She couldn't put her finger on it, but he seemed genuinely concerned or maybe something else. Damn it, the last thing she wanted was pity, not from anyone, but especially not from him. That's why she was so determined to save money. Even when Sydney's family had offered to let her stay with them, they meant rent free, but she absolutely refused. If she was going to stay with them, she'd pay them.

"What about after high school? Will you be with your mom then?"

Sarah kept her chin up. "No, I'll work and go to school. Sydney's parents said I could stay with them as long as I need to, and as soon as I can afford my own place, I'll get it."

That look hadn't changed. It seemed even more intense now, and his lips were pressed tight. "Well, that's too bad."

Sarah's heart dropped. She knew it. He felt sorry for her. She pulled her feet back abruptly and sat up, startling Angel. She started putting on her shoes. "We may not all have a great start, you know, but it's where you end up that counts."

Angel looked at her confused. "What? What are you talking about?"

She finished putting on her shoes and stood up. He jumped up in front of her. "What's wrong? What did I say?" He searched her eyes.

Sarah glared at him. "My life is not that bad. Oh, sure, compared to yours maybe, but I don't need all—"

Angel put a finger on her mouth. "Stop, that's not what I meant."

She tried backing away, but he slipped his big hand in hers. She stopped, but stood firmly facing him, unwavering. He looked at her thoughtfully and put his arm around her waist. "Listen to me. All I meant was it's too bad you'll be leaving. I'm really enjoying hanging with you, and now you're telling me it's only temporary? You're damn right I think it's too bad."

Sarah stared at him speechless and feeling a little stupid for over reacting. "Oh."

Angel smiled. "Wow, but you turned on me fast."

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I just..."

His lips were on hers again. She allowed herself to indulge in a few more of his kisses and then forced herself to wrap it up before things got too heated again. It was getting late, and she still had to meet Valerie somewhere, so they could get home together.

They met Valerie in the parking lot of an In-and-Out near her aunt's. There were a lot of other kids there from school. Valerie and her friends were standing around her car. They all gawked when they saw that Angel was dropping Sarah off.

Sarah completely expected him to just drop her off as discreetly as possible and drive off. Instead, he got out of the car and walked her over to Valerie and her friends, holding her hand the whole way. When he said goodbye, he pulled her aside but still in plain view of everyone and gave her another mind-blowing kiss.