Behind Closed Curtains.

It was already dark and Von was still training with the Katana, his sweaty body showing how hard the assassin had worked. He hadn't eaten anything all day, but this was never a problem. For a man who had gone days without eating, a day without eating would make no difference. And that night would be the first party he would attend. Only that something was not answered: for whom will the party be? Would it be for the person who had made Sophie Chasseur insecure?

Entering the back doors and walking into the main hall of the mansion, Von noticed several maids setting a huge table, among them the maid from earlier. The girl's face turned red as she realized that Von was looking at her. He smiled at her, causing her to drop the tray she was carrying. The assassin laughed in an amused manner and continued walking to his room.

After taking his shower, he lay down on the bed with the white towel wrapped around his waist. He looked at the black suit he was supposed to wear. Being part of a certain social class required certain efforts, especially wearing clothes he didn't like. But these were just details, Von knew this party would not be in vain, and blood could flow.

He touched the suit, feeling the refined material. He noticed that inside one of the inner pockets of the suit was a small silver dagger and a piece of paper, a discount coupon from a well-known anabolic dealer. The subtle acid smell emanating from the blade revealed the poison hidden there. Tonight there would be blood. Von sighed with relief. Finally he could be himself.

Lamps and candles lit the great hall to keep the atmosphere sophisticated, and Von felt suffocated by the black butterfly tie he wore. One thing was for sure, he looked good. He felt handsome, even though he was uncomfortable in that outfit. The first thing he saw as he walked down the stairs were the long red strands.

Sophie, who was on her back, turned around and Von could see her in full Black high heels, a long black dress with a slit down the right thigh, sleeveless and strapless. Just a few red details on the small V-neck. Von was pleased with what he was looking at.

He smiled as he realized that Sophie was looking at him. Norgard was standing next to him, wearing the same suit as him, but with a different tie. Next to the General was a man, about thirty years old, thin, white, with light brown hair curled up to his neck.

-Von! - Norgard called out to the assassin, and the assassin walked up to them, like a good trained dog. - This is Henry Berolav, member of the High Command. Henry, this is Von. My new subordinate. -

-Nice to meet you. - Henry held out his hand to him and the assassin shook it, not failing to notice Sophie's serious look. Norgard put his arms around Von's neck and turned him back toward the stairs.

-I want you to meet someone. - As the General spoke, a young woman came down the stairs. Her blonde hair and blue eyes matched her cyan dress full of shiny details. Her face was very similar to Sophie's, only her eyes were different. She walked up to the general. - Von, this is Samantha, my eldest daughter. The BloodHound look discreetly at Sophie. The redhead held a glass of wine in her hand, her face revealed a certain discomfort.

Von had the answer to his question.

-Pleased to meet you, Von. - Samantha held out her hand and Von kissed it. He smiled and observed her blue pupils more closely. She was very beautiful, and maybe that was the reason for Sophie's insecurity.

-Sam, any problems with Berolav's execution? - The general spoke softly, but Von could hear.

-No, the key is already here with me. - As she said this, the young blonde pulled a key out of her cleavage, showing it to Norgard with a smile on her face. She put the keys back, and in a provocative voice continued speaking. - I'm going to say hello to my rebellious little sister. -

-Von, I'll leave that part to you. -

-All right. I'll wait for your signal.

-Wait until he is alone, it will be a scandal if he poisons himself in the middle of the hall.-

As he said this, Norgard went to meet a couple standing near the big table. Von thought about having a drink at that moment, but as he looked at Sophie's face, he saw reflected in her green eyes the dissatisfaction of being at that party.

-Still doing man things, Soph?- Von felt the venom in Samantha's words, as she kept her hands on Henry's shoulder.

-And you're still acting like a prostitute?


As he said this, Norgard went to meet a couple standing near the big table. Von thought about having a drink at that moment, but as he looked at Sophie's face, he saw reflected in her green eyes the dissatisfaction of being at that party.

-Still doing man things, Soph?- Von felt the venom in Samantha's words, as she kept her hands on Henry's shoulder.

-And you're still acting like a slutty call girl?

-How rude, Sophie.Didn't your mother teach you manners?

-She did very well. But I was too busy serving Cermina in a productive way, unlike you, who can only give ass to any man. - Samantha's face burned with anger.The blonde snatched the glass of wine from Sophie's hands, and poured the liquid all over the assassin's red hair. Samantha laughed at Sophie and walked towards her father.

-Do you want me to help you, Sophie? - Henry started to speak. Sophie was still staring at Von's chest, which was beside her. Her green pupils exuded hatred as she looked at Henry.

-No. - Henry smiled embarrassed and walked towards the balcony, wanting to leave her alone. There was no one there, Von took the opportunity to follow him.It was time for the BloodHound to hunt.




Berolav was on the balcony, a large space with half a circumference. He, who was leaning against the white pillars smoking a cigar, noticed the red curtains moving as they closed. He saw out of the corner of his eye Von's shadow, and took the cigar out of his mouth, throwing up the smoke.

-Are you going to kill me? -Henry spoke as he smiled bitterly, his curly hair falling over his eyes.

-You should at least know the name of the man who spares your life, Berolav," Von replied while also smiling, but unlike the man in front of him, his smile was one of pleasure.

-Sparing my life, Von? - What does a dog like you know about the value of life? - Henry, still with a bitter smile on his lips, turned to the assassin.

-I know that there is no honor in a cowardly death," the assassin took a cigarette from his suit pocket and lit it.

-Do you think my death is cowardly? Who closed the curtain, Von? - The assassin blew smoke in Henry's face, and laughed.

-Who is waiting to die without protesting? I know it's only a matter of time before we're all dead, and we're sure to find ourselves in a nonexistent hell. You're just a weakling who can't stand life. - Henry swallowed dryly at Von's statement. - Who closed the curtain? me. The coward? You.

Berolav laughed bitterly.- How does it feel to suck all the pride out of a dying man? - Henry leaned back and opened his arms, waiting for his final breath.

-I feel nothing, your life is indifferent to me. - As he said this, Von pulled the dagger out of his suit and in one swift, simple movement, cut the right corner of the man's neck. No blood gushed out, but the pain Berolav felt was tremendous. The poison coagulated the blood, preventing it from leaving his body, but it turned all the liquid in his body into a kind of gelatin, killing him from the inside. Von kicked him, causing him to fall to the grass, dead.

Henry Berolav's body fell to the grass exactly as he had predicted, face down with his head to the right. The poison that was in the dagger had already taken its full effect. Von knew that there was no one at the back of the garden, leaving no trace of the murder.

The mansion had three floors, the main hall was on the first, the balcony where they were located was at the end of the second floor, and the bedrooms were on the third floor. Von jumped from the balcony onto the grass, landing on his feet next to Berolav's body. He pulled the man's corpse up to the cabin-arsenal. He searched the body, finding some jewelry, a pocket watch, and a note. The note was from Samantha, calling him to the balcony. Von tore up the note and threw it over the body.-Poor man, betrayed by his most primitive instincts," thought Von. He straightened his own suit, packed his tie and left the cabin, spotting Sophie on the balcony, watching him.

-Miss Chasseur, what ails you? - Von spoke as he climbed the balcony.

-You were taking too long, dog.- The assassin looked the redhead up and down, her hair still wet. Von walked over to her and pulled a red handkerchief from his pocket.

-Worry about me, Sophie? -He smiled and rubbed the handkerchief over her forehead and hair. The girl's face reddened, and she laughed nervously, giving away her feelings.

-Why would I be? - She snatched the handkerchief from his hand and dried the ends of her red hair. - The general is waiting for you. - Having said this, she turned toward the salon, but was stopped from walking there by Von, who held up his fist.

-Hey, you've been acting strange ever since you heard your sister was coming.

-That's none of your business, dog. - Sophie looked into the black eyes with an expression that mixed hatred and hurt. Von opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Norgard and Krauser who appeared.

-Von. Sophie," Krauser said as he looked at Von's hand holding the redhead's fist. - Follow me.-

Von released Sophie's fist and she followed Krauser, stepping in front of him. Sophie was running away, there was far more than hatred in the girl's green pupils, sorrow was present there. The assassin had always had the ability to look into someone's eyes and tell them what the person felt. And Sophie was no different, there was something complex there, and he would go deeper and deeper. This girl intrigued the Bloodhound.