Protocol 15656 You dummy! Dumb! Dumb! -

Those were the first thoughts of that warm morning. The snow had stopped falling and a weak ray of sunlight insisted on coming out. Sophie stared at the ceiling, helpless because of the memories of the night before.  Von was not by her side, he would never be. To wake up and see him by her side, besides being an irony, would be a sweet illusion. And a sweet dream too. She shook her head trying not to think. The memory of cold fingers running over her body made her shiver, from head to toe. She had definitely torn her own heart.

She was submerged in the tub. The little habit of staying underwater for a few minutes always paid off, and this day would be no different. She would have to be very strong to deal with some people, focusing mainly on Von. She thought that she should not only have breath, but also calm and patience. Only the first was her strong point. She realized that this feeling was shit in every way. She cursed everything she saw or bumped into. When she saw her clothes lying around the room, she had never cursed a human being so much. She felt used, outraged, as if she were a toy in that man's hand. But what to do? Deny it to death and continue to be ridiculous in his presence? No. The moment that ungrateful truth hit her, Sophie realized that she couldn't deny it. She wasn't going to deceive herself, as she had once done in matters of the heart.

Now that she stopped to think about it, maybe everyone had some trauma stored in their heart. Lucy was Von's, and Sophie laughed as she had a name in her mind. Just that name could make her laugh at that moment. It had been so long . Those days were definitely missed. But Sophie knew that Ocelot was no way. She sank her head into the water as she remembered the name. She thought of him as she had thought of him for three years. She thought of him as if he were alive. But he was... She hurriedly got up from the tub, staring into the small mirror in front of her.




Von was sitting in one corner of the couch in the general's office, Sophie in the other. Both had their arms crossed, staring at Norgard with an angry expression. The general felt slightly embarrassed by those flaming glances.

-Whatever the problem is with you two today, I hope that when I return you will have solved it. - Saying this, the general got up and walked calmly to the door.

A long silence settled over the office. Sophie stared coldly at the typical Norgard glass bottle that always contained whiskey, her mouth salivated for a moment and if she wasn't waiting for her father to find out about the next mission, she would drink it all. Von, on the other hand, was just sitting back staring at the chandelier as if it were the most interesting thing. If Sophie wanted silence, silence she would have. Von started tapping his foot, trying to make it follow his heartbeat, boredom was an amazing thing.

- Will you stop? - Sophie spoke angrily, looking at him.

- "stop" what? - He quickened his pace a little, still following her heartbeat, but without looking at her.

- This annoying noise.-

- The only annoying thing here is you.-

Sophie opened her lips and kept looking at him, if she stopped doing so, she didn't know what would happen. Von saw her face out of the corner of his eye and controlled his curiosity to look at her. This was war, and he had won a battle yesterday, but he knew that it was nothing compared to the others to come.

- Did you solve it? - The general entered the room and Sophie turned her attention back to him. She sat down and looked at them both. Her response was silence, she gave a little snort and pursed her lips. - That's wonderful.You went to Crebeci, and now you're going to visit another city. I would love to be in your shoes.-

- We? Together?- Sophie spoke bitterly.

- I decided to keep you together in the missions. Although each of us works alone, having a team is always a good thing.

- I have always worked alone, Chasseur. - Von spoke up, still with his arms crossed.

- I know that. - He gasped for air and let out a long sigh. - You had one mission, which was to protect Sophie. You had another one with her because of Samantha. That mission was yours alone, but she intervened.- Von looked at her for the first time, with fire in his brown pupils. -And now you'll have another one with her and a few other soldiers, so I won't risk losing my best man. -

- I'm not your best man, General. You can very well send someone else in my place.-

- Stop running away! - Sophie spoke up, looking at him indignantly at his stupid attitude.

-Stop running away? - Von looked back at her with an ironic smile. - Miss, on the last mission you had a hissy fit.-

- I didn't have a hissy fit! - She almost shouted, trying not to attack Von out of anger.

- Stop it, both of you. - Norgard said calmly, trying to ignore the argument he had witnessed. - You two are priorities of mine, you know that. - He looked at Von. - And unless you want to go back underground and be hunted, - he looked at Sophie. -and you want to take your sister's place, you will have to obey me. -

- General, that was a very low blow.- Von said, getting up. - Von stood up. - Let me know for more information.

- Von, don't go yet. - The assassin looked over his shoulder with a disdainful look. Norgard smiled inwardly. - Sophie, you may leave.-

- What? - She stood up and slapped her hand on the general's desk, looking him in the eyes, green with green.

- If you insist so much on staying... - Norgard chuckled and turned in his chair, looking at the bookcase behind him. He picked up a black folder and laid it on the table. - You are a single team, although you are divided into three groups. - Von took the folder and leafed through it, looking at something like a resume, full of photos and descriptions. - Nine people. Three groups. One attack group and two defense groups.

- Two? - Sophie whispered, staring at the folder. - What is the mission level?-

- High. - The general spoke, swallowing his saliva.

- How high? - She took the folder and leafed through it as well. - Here are Cermina's best assassins.- She looked at Norgard uncomprehendingly.

-Red level, Sophie. We are at war. -

- Which group will I be in? -

-Defense - He looked away.

- And me? - Von pulled out his briefcase again, and Sophie gave him an irritated look.

- Attack. - Norgard stood up quickly. - Von, you will lead the mission. -

- WHAT? - Sophie let out a scream, staring at Norgard with hatred. - How could you, father? -

-Soph, he's a great thief. And you don't even know what the mission is about. - Norgard spoke up, touching his shoulder. - What if the attack team has to sleep with some women? - He patted her lightly and left the office.

Sophie looked out into the void, and Von couldn't help but notice the helplessness on her face. He smiled as he saw her display emotions that she was struggling to contain. Her smile died as she remembered the words she had spoken the night before. Von wished he could have laughed in her face, but he just said he knew. He just looked into her eyes, but didn't see Sophie reflected in them. The only thing that came to his mind was an old, splintering log. It was ridiculous to think of happiness, or even to be with Sophie. Not that the feeling she had was ridiculous. Or maybe it was. In truth, he didn't know any better. That was why the previous night had been one of sweet numbness, so pleasurable and so desired. Von felt his thirst see quenched, felt as if this desire could finally be controlled. And that's what he wanted.

- So you will sleep with other women? - Sophie snapped him out of his reverie. He gave her a confused look, wondering if she had really said that.

- What did you say? - Von dropped the folder on the table and crossed his arms, glaring at her angrily. Sophie let out a nervous laugh and turned her attention back to the door.

- You really have a vocation. - She gave him one last look and walked to the door.

- Vocation? - He laughed sarcastically, knowing he should have ignored her.

- To be an idiot.- As he said this, he walked out the door and slammed it shut.




Von walked through the streets of Cermina with an irritating aura, and his irritation was clearly noticeable because of who was behind him, walking with a bored face. He was not angry at Sophie's last words, but rather at her behavior. To be sure, he had a little guilt. But what could he do? Apologize for leaving after sex? For not sleeping with her? Sophie was no child. If she didn't understand that they had nothing, she would soon realize it.

They reached the huge gates leading to the High Command palace. Von froze as he stared at a guard. His relationship with men in uniform had never been friendly, but realizing that he was about to become one made him laugh. Sophie stepped in front of him, bumping hard into his arm. He rolled his eyes and stared at her angrily.

-Sophie Chasseur, protocol 15656.- She said with a disdainful face, looking at the soldier inside the cabin.

-Authorized.- he said, returning her gaze. - Who is this?-

-Protocol 15656.- She replied laughingly.

-Not authorized. -

-Soldier...- she said, leaning her body against the cold cabin wall. - These are General Chasseur's orders. -

He's not in the system...- Sophie glared at him, then looked up at the cloudy, snowless sky - yet. Entry authorized. - She widened her eyes .


-Superior orders. - As he said this, the large door opened and they continued up the endless hill.

-What was that? -Von broke the silence as they headed for the palace doors.

-Oh, you decided to talk like people?-

-Don't start, Sophie. - He passed the soldiers guarding the doors and started walking faster.

-Me? Look who's talking!- She hurried off, and Von was startled by the sound of her heels hitting the marble floor.

-You're annoying me.- He gritted his teeth.

-Yesterday you didn't seem angry.-He turned, glaring at her.

-It was just sex. -Von felt the venom in his own words. The urge to hurt her spread through his body, and he smiled internally, waiting for her to run away.

-If it was only sex, why did you beg? -A smile broke out on Sophie's lips, she seemed unaffected by the cruelty of the few words thrown into the air. -You might as well go to your lovely brothels, I bet your whores must miss you. -

- That's true. And it's a good thing they don't propose to me, or I'd run away. - He decided to play along.

- You mean it wasn't true? - Sophie approached Von smiling and touched the arm where she had previously pushed with her shoulder. -I told you to stop lying, is that all you can do?- Her smile seemed frozen. Von smiled cynically.

- Hard to keep your smile, Sophie?- He took her hand, which was still on his shoulder, and held it with unnecessary force. - You're acting like a child. - He felt the soldiers' gazes on him and moved his hand up to her arm, pulling her tightly against him and brushing her lips against his ear. - It was sex and it was good. It wasn't your first time, much less mine. So stop acting arrogant before I regret it.-

- If.. you stop..- Sophie stifled a groan and looked down at her own hand that Von pressed against her arm. -Now... you're hurting me.-

- I'm sorry. - He let go, and Sophie remembered what it felt like to breathe. Von continued to follow her, as she walked with a confused expression on her face.

The moment they entered Krauser's office, they both instantly held their breath. There were eight people in the room not including the office owner himself and his secretary. Von recognized the face of the young woman present.

- You are late. - Krauser pointed to a small couch for them to sit on.

-A soldier of yours blocked it.- Sophie tilted her head at Von and they both sat down.

- Whatever. - A dark man with light brown hair spoke up in the corner of the room

- Klen. - Lizandra said with a disapproving tone.

- General Chasseur warned you that there would be a new mission, and it would be a high level one, Von, Klen and Liz, attack group. Sophie, Niero and Magnun, defense group one. Gior, Tilian and Marlena, defense group two. The first names will be the leaders, essentially Von. Your mission is to hijack a ship. -

- Ship? - Liz spoke up, startled.

- There is some war technology that Gran Tlaboc is trading to Dendalion.  But getting into Gran Tlaboc will be difficult, and hijacking a ship even more so. Distribute the folders. - Krauser's secretary obeyed him. - In the folder you will receive is the layout of the ship and where the goods will be. There are more than two hundred men on board and I want a minimum of casualties. The Deep Spear is one of the best known and largest ships in the port of Gran Tlaboc. There are three people on the mission who are essential: Von, who will lead. Gior, who will kill the captain and take command of the ship. And Niero, I don't want a scratch on you. - As he said this, Krauser stared at mistery blond man leaning against the wall. His head was bowed, but his face was visible. His blond hair was long and tied up in a ponytail. The boy just sighed and looked away. - Dismissed. -

- Sophie. - After leaving Krausee's office, she heard her name called. As she turned around, she just stared at blue orbs like the sky. Her skin was pale, almost morbid. Those same eyes were superb, and although her hair was in a ponytail, it cascaded down her back.

- Who are you? - She tried to speak after a long analysis.

- You don't need to know. - When he said this, he turned and Sophie watched him disappear into the corridor, his long blond hair swinging.

She looked at that impersonal piece of paper. The paper was white without any sign of marks or stains. The seal was a symbol of which she was not aware. The name Norgard was written in a gallant handwriting, and the ink was not fresh. He seemed to be intimate with her father. But whoever he was, he was not a Cerminian.