Two beauties were wetting the bed

 "Sister Shu", Kai Min called out after she came out of her trance like state. An ashamed expression appeared on her face as she saw the strange look on Li Shu's face.

"Sister Shu, please don't misunderstand. It happened to me automatically. I am not willing to do it", Kai Min's eyes misted up slightly as she explained her plight to Li Shu.

"There is something wrong with you earlier. No matter what is happening outside, you could not have lost control like this. So, no need to explain more. I can understand", Li Shu nodded her head in understanding.

"But do you know what is going on? How can a genius like you lost control over such a thing?", Li Shu probed.


"Genius, I have started to hate that word now", Kai Min said with a self-mocking tone.

"Sister Shu, do you know why I begged sister Yan to bring me to the grand sect competition?", Kai Min looked towards Li Shu.