An agreement with the Wu clan

"Interesting, There alre a lot of strange treasures inside this Azure stone pavilion. No wonder, it is the oldest business establishment of Yellow stone city", Zhan Chen thought to himself.

He strolled along with the crowd and looked at the different stalls of the Azure stone pavilion with interest in his eyes.

The pill stalls and weapon stalls were directly neglected by him as the goods of the ground floor were of cheap quality. What he was really interested in was the treasure collection of Azure stone pavilion where he had noticed some peculiar treasures.

He skipped various crowded stalls and finally stopped near a decrepit looking stall which was showcasing the ancient relics of the past. Compared to the other stalls of the Azure stone pavilion, this stall had almost no visitors.

A seemingly ordinary old man was the incharge of this stall. He was dozing off near a corner of the stall.