The great war four hundred years ago

"I have heard that your ancestor, Zhan Lin is still alive. Is it true?", Huang Ruoxin asked Zhan Chen.

"Yes, senior has come back recently", Zhan Chen replied.

"That is good then. I can personally avenge my ancestor after finding Zhan Lin", Huang Ruoxin spoke. There was a calm look on her face but Zhan Chen could feel the deep seated grudge inside her heart.

"This woman is trouble. Ancestor Zhan Lin seemed to be burdeoned by something when I last met him. So, I can't let this woman near him who has such grudge against him", Zhan Chen thought to himself.

"How many of your Zhan clan experts are still alive? I need to know before doing anything", Huang Ruoxin asked as she looked towards Zhan Chen.

"Why should I tell you? This is a secret of my Zhan clan", Zhan Chen replied.