When they arrived back at the mansion, Mateo expected to be confronted with chaos. Instead, he found a well-organized household, busy putting everything back together. Even the front door, where a bomb had gone off inside the lobby, was almost completely fixed. New doors replaced the ones that had been blown off their hinges. Now, only some scarring on the paneling beside the doors indicated what had happened.
As they entered their home, they were confronted by Vee and Sotza. Raina broke away from Mateo and flung herself at her mother. Vee gripped her tightly and whispered something to her.
Sotza placed a hand on his stepdaughter's shoulder and squeezed, but his concerned gaze remained on Mateo. "You okay, son?"
Mateo jerked his head in a nod. "Fine," he said shortly. "Tell me what's been happening here."