Chapter 14: Oh Just a Normal Day


"Morning, Jana. How was your weekend?"

"Boring. As usual."

I grin at my grumpy friend. She’s definitely living in the wrong town if she’s looking for an exciting night life and an endless social calendar. Liberty isn’t tiny, but it’s still a small town. We’re lucky to have the college so we have more restaurants and bars, at least.

"Sorry to hear that."

She rolls her eyes and plays with a long strand of bright pink hair as she flips through a magazine. "You are not. You love how sleepy it is here."

"Got me there. How’s my schedule look today?" I didn’t work over the weekend but when I left here on Friday it looked like it was going to be a busy day.

"You’re full up. Saturday a few called in. Your first client should be here in about ten minutes. Just a men’s hair cut, though."

"Okay sounds good. I’m going to go put away my stuff. Try not to have too much fun out here."