An eternity later, Jenny returned downstairs, completely dressed this time in jeans and a t-shirt, her new boots on her feet. Shed even taken a moment to brush her hair and pull it into a ponytail, and she had her whiteboard in her hand.
Cole beamed at her. Hey there, just in time. Have a seat and Ill bring it to the table.
Beside her glass, hed placed a bottle of ibuprofen tablets. I thought they might help, he shrugged.
When he got up for seconds, Jenny had made barely a dent in the spaghetti on her plate.
Not a spaghetti fan? he asked lightly as he returned to his seat.
Her eyes widened. Its good, she wrote quickly. For emphasis, she took another small bite.
He smiled at her sympathetically. Eat as much as you like, he told her. But Id recommend a couple of those pain relievers. I know when Im saddle-sore, theyre just the thing.
Jenny nodded, popping open the bottle and shaking a pair of brown tablets into her hand.