Chapter 67: The Storm Inside

The four of them quickly gathered everything from the table and made it to the shelter of the front porch just as fat drops of rain began to fall.

“This storm came up out of nowhere,” Alicia commented. “It’s a good thing we didn’t plan on camping on this trip.”

Inside, once the dishes were loaded into the dishwasher, Jenny set the cake on the counter and retrieved four dessert plates from a cupboard. The chocolate ganache frosting had set in the refrigerator, and the dark chocolate glaze over the top of the cake made an appetizing base for the milk chocolate curls she’d painstakingly placed. Jenny had to admit she felt pleased with the way it had turned out.

“Holy smokes, that looks amazing!” Beth eyed the dessert appreciatively.

Cole beamed at Jenny. “That’s my girl. You should see the fancy cupcakes she does for showers and stuff.”

“What kind is it, Jenny?” Alicia asked.